Everyone around the Globe (datsa from one Catinent to da other) was talking Pirate chat all week while waiting fur Saturday September 19th to show up - well didja know it's an annual event? Yep uh huh, that means absoluticatically every year on da same day, exacticatically 1 day after September 18th, this meowvalous catzowey event happens whether youza catnapping or not, Itza fur shure, itza gonna happen !

If youza got yur ears plugged up with imPURRted Spanish Sardines from Catalonia or your selectacat hearing masheen izza off or purrhaps your MyPod is purrmanently in yur ears, then youza wouldn't know at all that September 19th izza"
Talk Like A Pirate Day". Even me the mighty meowster wazza talking like da hearty heave yo ho ho Pirates of da Catibbean & the tantalizing Canary Islands, with my infectchewous EyeTailYun accent of course.

Definitely I wanna confurm that ya can't talk like a Pirate if youza not dressed like a Pirate. I mean, can youza imagine talking the
007 jargon ala James Bond without wearing da Tux and driving da FURari car?
So all week, without my abundacatnaps, me and myself was bizzi being an EyeTailYun PurrEYErut, sailing high up in the Crow's Nest with my fur blowing in da wind (never lost my Johnny Depp hat overboard but I did wear my life PURRsevor all da time!). And I gotsa CATZOWEY news and mews fur you: my Pirate ship wazza gluten free! Oh shuksatini, I mean Mutiny free, and weeza arrived back to shore safely after sailing and sailing over the oshun blue.

Itza THE END of the story!
Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week.
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty