Welcome to myza house where me and myself houses my giganticat purrfeshional staff - my chef, my banker, my meowsage therapist and my hospurrtality consultants. Are youza ready fur da purrsonal tour? Youza don't have to don 3D glasses to enjoy this - itza just me at home, doing absoluticatically nothing unusual - not even purrpondering whatza to do.....
Let's begin with my sleeping habits cuz me and myself izza da creature of habitual habits so I do da same thing every day andza every night too. I purrfurs to sleep on my back - itza good fur my catzillion vertebrae and meowscles.
Once my EyeTailYun eyes are open, I don't wanna rush much so I kick my paws back being a relaxacat in da bed fur a while, perusing da mewspaper and controlling da remote control - gotta keep current on da news and mews.
Then I heads to da grooming room ... Shuksatini ... If I couldza just get these mini meowster blinds open nowza!
Itza impurrtant to begin da day with a hearty breakfast cuz itza good fur da heart and yep uh huh I luvs da Salmon Souffle and Furench Toast with Mew England Maple Nip Sauce, but da Oatmeal is better fur staying buffed. I'm EyeTailYun and gotza get into my Guido Speedo when Spring arrives. But shhhh, dontza tell nobody I eats da Irish Oatmeal! Shhh itza secreto and da Irish breakfast izza far better dan having da Polenta Balls fur breakfast.
When my oatmeal bowl is empty, then itza exercise time and Yoga izza giganticat part of my daily purrOhgram cuz years ago, well seems like many 9 lives ago (but hey I'm only 3), I said Arreverderci to being an aerobicat, cuz I hates to purrspire.
Yoga keeps me grounded and I loves that powzishun "Downward Doggy On Top Of Da Door" and I always focuses on something that needza focussing on (like how to get down).

Nowza Meowza - I'ma exhausticatted so gonna hunker down fur a nice catnap and start all over again in a bit.
There you have it - itza just a normal meowvalous day furza me and myself. I wishes you a normal and meowvalous week - yep uh huh, I shure do, and make it a nonCATastrophic one too!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty