In 7 months, I've cleaned house my way, I've created havoc, I've devoured pesto pizza and lapped up chardonnay, I've redecorated our home and practiced Kitten Feng Shui (oh yes,the door to my litter box faces EAST!), and I've travelled from Maddie's Adoption Center to Nob Hill so what's left?? Shoe shopping - definitely something new for my merry meowster paws. Now how to get these things on!

They say directions come with everything but I can't find them!

Definitely not a good fit - my paws are pinched!

Now that I think about it, I've got enough bounce in my jump without these serious all purpose play shoes, so will try a tom-cat sized LL Bean sporty look on for size.
Realizing I'm not the casual kitty type, I trekked my paws to Ferragamo and Gucci where I spotted some fab fun starry sparkles way out of my kitten budget as my MasterCAT card has a kitten-sized limit. Hey, the bag is even a fantabulous cat toy! And the Feline-Ferragamo is an all-PURRfect purpose shoe: no laces, no fuss no muss no wrestling to figure it out and I can hide all my little mice in this open style, ah ha, I'm a happy cat now. Bellisimo- Nobody does it like the Italians do it. (now if I just had a silk pajama to match my Ferragamos, that would be the cat's meow!)
Ciao & Meow,
Guido, The Italian Kitty