Gettin' out of the house and visiting another house is fantasticat, so yesterday I took my 4 paws and went to the big house on the hill - Grace Cathedral - it's a given from this smitten kitten - they need a mighty meowster to PURRtrol the mice population in the caverns of this meowvalous place. The special day comes once a year and it's the day we animals get to catnap in the pews, meow at a hymn and lounge center stage in the aisle (until the jumbo PURRcession comes trotting past us!). The PURRiests have oodles of fringe on their scarves that would be a kitty delight to dangle from! All this in honor of our animal lovin' pal, St. Francis.
Everyone got a PURRogram and it said "The Feast of Saint Francis" but I PURRused every pew. My cat eyes saw abundacat ankles and people out of their shoes who should have been in their shoes, but didn't see any food to feast on. Hmmm, maybe it was typo!
Don't be PURRplexed - yes you're viewing a darling dog on The Guido Gazette - a historical meowvalous moment! St. Francis Day is a day of diversity and all are welcome - check out this cute canine who was just across the aisle from me - she winked & woofed at my buffed mighty meowster self but we both flew under our pews when the big organ piped up! So much for a short term relationship.
Wiggling whiskers! I know, I know, you're curious as a cat as to why I'm not telling you what took my paws and me to Hollywood in August ... stay tuned just a little longer. But fur now, I'd be ecstaticat if your awesome pawsome self would cast a vote for me in a photo contest I'm in. My paws are crossed that I'll win but can't do it without you.
Vote For Guido The Italian Kitty and then go and take a nonCATastrophic catnap today!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty