Furstly, if ya wants a good Mew Year, ya gotta make da Mew Years Resolushuns - yep uh huh and keep em too. Itza matter of factacatical that weeza do this - cuz it'll keep us moving in da pawsative direkshun. And let's face it folks .... CATZOWEY! We all needs da pawsative direkshun, like purrhaps an overdose of pawsative stuff is our 2o1o purrscripshun (I'll take a year's supply of dat!) , cuz 2009 was a way short of pawsative goodies (my nip grower closed and my fishyman furiend lost his boat).
Furst Mew Years Resolushun is (befur we gets to da Purrdictshuns fur 2010), I'ma gonna meownitor my caffeine consumpshun cuz I dontza wanna be looking like this dude who's over Catfeinated!
And me and myself izza gonna read more fun stuff in the Mew Year cuz fun stuff izza comicatical and then youza can shred it fur da litter box and thatza called recycling - and I'ma Envirocat so recycling izza mandacatatory in my house. Thizza is da win win winner of purractical Mew Years Resolushuns!
Resolushun 3: I'ma absoluticatically gonna work on my impurrted Nip consumpshun and purrobably increase it abundacatically while getting my paws to know my Nip better - up front and close. Dats a very good Resolushun for da Mew Year.
Da Resolushun 4: Exercise is a giganticat part of my Mew Years Resolushuns and I'ma gonna be a Yogi Cat and do my yogatini and Downward Doggy every day. Then gonna kick back my paws with a cup of hot mulled Yogi Tea to continue da relaxacat and de-stressing meowments.
Resolushun #5: Me and myself izza gonna enroll in da flower class cuz we needs abundacat help with da petals arranging and flowers makes ya happy on a cloudy day.
Nowza itza time fur da Non Wall Street Crystal Ball 2010 Purrdictshuns! Youza been waiting payshuntly all year fur this.
My meowster eyes see this coming 2010 willza be da most meowvalous year ever cuz youza deserves it fur shure. Me and myself also purrdicts youza gonna smile in a meowment and youza gonna give someone a hug too - maybe a 2 legged furiend and purrhaps a 4 legged buddy. Datza my HAPPY MEW YEAR purrdictshuns! Holy Cannoli and Meowster Mustaccioli - I furgot to tell ya to remember dat youza very speshule - yep uh huh - youza is so so so speshule, so please ringy dingy ding in da MEW YEAR safely.
Ciao & Meow & Happy Happy Mew Year!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty