February 22, 2010
Say Ahhhhh
Itza not Ahhhhh Choo and I'm not under da weather, but I'm crooning Ahhhhh cuz I sees da signs of Spring popping and cropping up here and there and just about everywhere. Ahhhhh (there I goes again), theyza beeYOUteeful! Itza recommended youza duz a taste taste on the organicat water cuz itza gotta be comfurtable for flowers so they stays a looooong time. Hummmmzatini I thinks fur shure - yep uh huh - itza fur shure I has come to the smart smitten kitten decision this water is a purrrfecto tempurrrrachure fur my Tulips.
NOWza MEOWza - we can cat chat about Tulips or about my EyeTailYun Two Lips! Back to da fantasticatico florals: didja know dat my favorito florals make the trip all the way cross the oshun from Holland with no PassPurrt.
When youza gets yur impurrrted Tulips home, check them out from da bottom to da tippy tulip top. Youza hoping theyza furesh, furesh and gonna live thru all yur weekly catnaps and maybe thru a hiss fit too!
Remember da ancient purrractice of Feng Shui - theyza been doing this before the furst feline set foot on da planet - itza confurms how old Feng Shui is. Datza good cuz itza exerpienced and it tells ya exactactically where to place da flowers so youza gets all da pawsative reakshuns and good things happens to youza tooza.
Repurrting live from da snowey slopes of Vancouver and I gotta get back to da OH-Lympicks. I'ma rooting and tooting my EyeTailYun horn fur my homeland but I don't know when exacticatically weeza gonna see da Winter Pizza-tossing finals!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
February 16, 2010
Purrresidents Day - Is It A Sweet Holiday?
Some places izza open fur biz and some izza closed on Purrresidents Day and nobody has the directacattory of whooza open and whooza closed which can give youza a giganticat hiss fit. But I'ma ecstaticat my favorito market wazza open cuz I took along my MasterCat Card and purrrchased these mainly made in Maine cool blue berries (yepsatini - chilled, just like I'ma supposed to be doing to control my EyeTailYun blood purrrresshure... chilling out).
Hey! Itza NOT the lazy hazy dayz of summer yet! So blame it on berries of blue that are de-comPURRRessing me - ohhhh me and myself izza feeling chilled and relaxacatted cuz da Mainly in Maine blue berries izza full of antioxidentacat stuff (nope datza not stuff fur yur teethies and not gonna help whiten and brighten da ivories).
After da fruitful meeting with da blue berries on Purrresidents Day, I meeted and greeted da Tiger Chief of PURRRtocol, (heeza inky dinky dude), but my giganticat self izza wishing him da giant Gung Hay Fat Choy! Thatza not EyeTailYun, but I showed him my EyeTailYun pawpitality. I'ma ecstaticat cuz itza da Chinese MEW Year and itza, well you know, hmmmzatini every 12 years itza da fabucatulous Year of The Tiger! Absoluticatically meowvaloso and I'ma roaring while enjoying all da festivities till 27th of February. Shuksatini, me and myself wazza born in 2006 the Year of the Rat (drat!). Holy Guacamole and Basta Pasta, they say those purrsons born under the sign of the Rat are supposed to have a MEOWlancoly year thizza year I hear....
Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week - pawsatively! And be shure youza finds out what yur Chinese Zodiac MEW Years Sign Is - yep uh huh itza impurrtant to knows whatza youza born under or over!
Ciao and Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
February 8, 2010
Crystal Clear Win At The Super Dooper Bowl
WOWza MEOWza! I looked into my Crystal balltles and they definicatically purrdicted the win - the biggest fur shure win of all my 9 lives. Didja see those Saints from NewOhLeans win that Super Dooper Bowl? I mean thizza wazza a super dooper game and fur shure the City of New OhLeans izza ecstaticats! Oh I'm a humming and strumming on my EyeTailYun mandolin, "When The Saints Come Marching In"...
Arriverderci Crystal ball furtune telling bottles! Nowza I got my paws down on the ground going bonkers at da Pawty in the 4th quarter (I swear I didn't catnap at all!). Excusatini AttenZeeOhKnee! There wazza abundacat advertisements I shudda catnapped thru, all paying molto Euros per meowment and NOT one meowster in an ad! Me and myself saw chickens chewing on pancakes, a bull bouncing along side da famoso Catweiser happy horses and a buncha folks not wearin' da pants! Catzowey - I sees a man-cat sized hiss fit on my horizon!
Later I chilled out, and whenza you're a fantasticat game Fan, itza impurrtant you watches the game frumza every possible PURRspective....
And a fantasticat Fan never ever gives up on yurza Team no matter if theyza off the field or Up-Side-Downsey!
So I sends my giganticat CongratuCATulashuns to da New OhLeans Saints fur playing feline fair, not overdosing in Catnip and fur making all the City of New OhLeans ecstaticats!
Now I wantza youza to have a winning fantasticat week - no CATastrophic events and wishing you abundacatnaps. AND if youza needing to find out da future, just look into dat Crystal water balltle- it tells all.
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
Arriverderci Crystal ball furtune telling bottles! Nowza I got my paws down on the ground going bonkers at da Pawty in the 4th quarter (I swear I didn't catnap at all!). Excusatini AttenZeeOhKnee! There wazza abundacat advertisements I shudda catnapped thru, all paying molto Euros per meowment and NOT one meowster in an ad! Me and myself saw chickens chewing on pancakes, a bull bouncing along side da famoso Catweiser happy horses and a buncha folks not wearin' da pants! Catzowey - I sees a man-cat sized hiss fit on my horizon!
Later I chilled out, and whenza you're a fantasticat game Fan, itza impurrtant you watches the game frumza every possible PURRspective....
And a fantasticat Fan never ever gives up on yurza Team no matter if theyza off the field or Up-Side-Downsey!
So I sends my giganticat CongratuCATulashuns to da New OhLeans Saints fur playing feline fair, not overdosing in Catnip and fur making all the City of New OhLeans ecstaticats!
Now I wantza youza to have a winning fantasticat week - no CATastrophic events and wishing you abundacatnaps. AND if youza needing to find out da future, just look into dat Crystal water balltle- it tells all.
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
February 1, 2010
iPad or MY Pad?
Frustrayshun alert! My smitten kitten self feels a hiss fit coming on cuz da news is abundacatically full (kinda like a bad litter box) with stuff, yep uh huh, justa stuff and molto more stuff about the iPhone or MyPhone and the new iPad. Well shuksatini itza confusing and not too amewsing. So let's purrpetuate the situashun and streamline our 9 lives: come on over to MY PAD and youza gonna have a fine feline time, fur shure, at my house!
When youza comes to My PAD in San Franfuncisco, you might wanna be shure to wear da flowers in yur hair but itza not necessary cuz I gotza flowers in MY PAD - yep uh huh! I gotza flowers all over da place, even some petals in my face!
Me, myself nor nobody else izza gonna put your iPhone or iPad on da shelf at MY PAD cuz weeza gonna only put you and me up on da shelf where weeza gonna have the birds eye view of stimulating stuff! Itza da place di honor (thatza EyeTailYun!) and purrhaps weeza even see a purrson's PURRmature balding spot or a crust of dust on da shelf - but our lips izza zipped and we can't let da cat out of the bag if weeza sees stuff and fluff.
NOWza MEOWza! If youza feeling homesick fur yur home at MY PAD, youza can always reach out and touch someone, like me - cuz me and myself pawsatively wants youza to feel at home at MY PAD.
Don't waste almost 9 lives trying to figure out what to do with da iPad cuz youza gonna have far more fun at MY PAD! Now here's da instrukZeeOhKnees of the week: youza be shure youza has da mostest fantasticat nonCATastrophic week!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
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