October 25, 2010

Just 1 GIANT Thing To Say This Week

Go San Franfuncisco Giants!

Just in case youza curious as a cat to follow my San Fran team - here's the SF Giants World Series Schedule !

Here's to a pawsative, nonCATastrophic and funtasticat sports filled week.
GO Giants GO!

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty In Land O' San Fran Giants


Curly said...

Hi Guido! I was supurr-happy to read in the Cat's Meow Blog that your hometown SPCA was running an adoption special for cats who are sporting the Giants' colors in their fur. Go Giants, and Go S.F. SPCA!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

go giants!

Vicki said...

I'm not a baseball fan must be the Aussie in me. Hope the giants win. You look so handsome in your giants cap.

meowmeowmans said...

Good luck to the Giants, Guido! It should be a great series. :)

Anonymous said...

Concatulations Guido, they wuns da furst game!!!!! Mom visted the shelter today and petted yur EyeTailYun Cuzun Rez today, hes doin' justa fine and gettin' bigga and biga! Good lookin EyeTalYun boy she said. Go Giants go!! Luva ya Guido buddy - Boo and Shadow yur furiends in Oregon.

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