So in true Derby Day fashun, me and myself donned an aPURRpriate hat to fit in -looking imPURRtant (you knowza, ya donta wanna look strange or da people stares at ya!)
The Derby Winner "Mine That Bird" had a really CATZOWEY rough start and I'za relates to datta cuz I hada rough start as a smitten kitten. But meowvalous miracles happen fur shure - and he and me are realisticatically purrobably related - weeza both strong guys, weeza both gotta 4 long legs and a tail too. It's increducatulous him and me both got a little white on our faces, real short fur, and it's fantasticat cuz weeza both enjoy bein' outside and runnin' fast. And listen tooza this: heeza gotta a 3rd birthday coming up on May 10th and I turns 3 too on May 26th. I might have ta invite him to my pawty so we can horse around!
Now, I wanna YOU to go and have a winning week!
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
That hat wuz da gratest, Guid!
PEE ESS: Yer gramma needs to chek owt da Cat's Meow today!
Dear Guido!!
Mom is here!! She came to visit me from canada..yesterday she came to see me at my resting place,and we had a wonderful time togheter..she planted some beautiful roses where my body is,so every spring i will come back to beautify this world again..i LOVE your hat bella gioia!!
Headbonks,il tuo amico Giotto
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