September 13, 2010

Doing The Daily Dangle - Itza Just Life!

Du youza ever feel like yur tail izza dangling frum a high-rise litter box ledge or by the tippity tail of yur paw?   OR purrhaps youza feeling like youza dangling and not angling frum da side of a good Dining Room chair? Lemme tells ya, it all  shure beats purrpelling off da side of Yosemite's meowvaloso mountains or paracatachutting!  And sometimes  da life dangles us too from places weeza not expecting to be dangled frum - well whatza ya gonna do about dat?

 Hang on, climb to da top and dontcha ever gives up!

Itza fur shure if ya wanna share da daily dangling secrets and news youza amused with, selecat to do this between youza and dat speshule fine furiend. Definicatically youza tells yurza furiend all about whatza going on in all yur 9 lives and theyza not supposed to lets da cat out of da bag! Yep itza lips zipped fur shure.

 No need to feels like youza walking da ledge alone cuz youza not .. CATZOWEY youza got all 4 paws and datsa 20 toes datsa walking da walk with youza!

 I always suggests dangling in a downward Dog Pawzishun (datsa da Yoga stuff!) fur a meowment, and be shure youza checks out all da stuff frum different direkshuns  cuz thatza gonna be da right thing tooza dooza - yep uh huh itza correcticatically da right stuff fur shure to get back in pawsative balance.

I wishes youza a nonCATastrophic week and make it a meowvalous one too,

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty


Kisu and Kujy said...

Our tails cant dangle cuz weeza dont have a long dangley -- we have a poofy one.

meowmeowmans said...

Good post, Guido. We especially like the picture of you on the back of the chair! :)

Daisy said...

Guido, you could join the circus with those dangling and balancing skills!

BumbleVee said...

hahhah.... no wonder you are so slim and trim!

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