Saturday was a day I could have kitty cloned myself to be in a catzillion places without using up some of my 9 lives. Before I hosted my TV show PURRmier Party, I trotted my paws to a PURRsonal appearance at Saks Fifth Avenue cuddling with the "Empress of Entertainment, the PURRfectly fabucat
Jan Wahl who is the Cat's Meow and a fabucat purrponent for we 4-leggeds.

Oh man, Jan made my whiskers wiggle while we shared a double cream frothy catpucciccino, talked Hollywood and cat chatted with purrsons in Saks hoping they purrchased cosmewtics cuz a portion of every cosmewtic sale that day would benefit my friends at
Pets Unlimited - the greatest animals org since organicat kitty wheat grass was boxed!

My momma and I are adoracats for raising awareness for Pets Unlimited and she was contentacat being surrounded by all the cosmewtics and I just wanted to play on the counters with all the meowvalous little bottles, boxes and gizmos - definicatically Saks could be a great place for a Meowster Play Day!

Managed to get a little catnap in before my 50 meowvalous guests arrived (I was jumping for joy that my best furiend Skeezix was coming!), so I speed slumbered for 50 winks worth of time.
PARTY TIME and Skeezix is here! Catzowey!!! Let the feline festivities begin!

We had pawsatively purrfect pasta and biscatti and biscotti and I tested to be sure the culinary creatiCATions were just right for my special and meowvalous guests.

Skeezix brought his film crew to my San Fran Feline Italian Villa and I almost had a Catniption when my purrecious & purrty door-opening-gal Virginia (she's got the knack cuz she opens the meowster doors at
Cat Safari my favorite kitty camp), opened up our front door and Catzowey - it was the giganticat Ted Rheingold (he's Top Dog at
Dogster and
Catster) in real life (I think he's still on his FURst life and hasn't used up any 9 lives cuz he looks fantasticat- gotta get name of his groomer cuz the guy has style!) Here's pics from my Party compliments of my favorite
Catster Cat's Meow Blog - it'll be just like you were there.
We rocked the Villa and nothing like being with furiends! But the national news is mewsing about the show,yep I saw my self in the NY Times and nope, we don't need to talk about the not-pawsative TV show ending (maybe the show staff folks need to live with a cat so they can Think Like A Cat) but my meowster self IS the million dollar kitty because I have a catzillion furiends like you who warm my Italian kitty heart! This was a magical meowvalous 3 months for me, hey, I went to Hollywood, and if you're curious as a cat as to what's on my agenda this week, just take a look! I purromise to awaken before next Monday so you can start your day the Guido way!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty