CAThartically speaking, I moved UP town when I was adopted August 5, 2006 at Maddie's Adoption Center in San Francisco. Woo hoo and 4 paws up for the
San Francisco SPCA and the fantasticat 2-legged staff and volunteer folks who make it great for we 4-leggeds. Ok Ok, I know the year zipped by, but if you want to know where the year really went to, just take your paws back through the Guido Gazette which has catapulted me to a place I never thought my mighty meowster paws would reach. Think back folks: I had a rough start with 3 homes in 61 days of life, so to celebrate my 1 year anniversary in the PURRfect home, I went shopping for what else: catnip and bubbly! Definitely saw abundacat sizes of bubbly bottles to tickle my whiskers.
Not to sound catty, but there is nothing like French bubbly and imported catnip coupled with a PURRfect catnap in midst of a celebration...

You don't see her often, but I owe all my mighty meowster manners (yes, I do have some meowster manners - not seen often but really do have a few!) to my wondrous Kitty momma
Baci who isn't much for the lime light and preFURS to lounge around as a diva cat in the sun rays. Being the adoring surrogate son, I wanted to do something spectacucat for
Baci, being her royal red tabby self has put up with me and my smitten kitten antics for 1 year. So ... I took her to lounge in her favorite kinetic-kitty sun rays - real chaise lounging for we kicked back cats! Just call us .....

Ciao & Meow,
The Italian Kitty