Let US entertain YOU with meowvalous and healthy ideas for expanding our lives! And youza thought I was cat chatting about being at a salad bar! I got your attention - right?
I'm no vegecataterian, but both Me & Myself izza striving to keeps my Catlesterol low, my heart beat high and hoping for more than 9 lives, so eating healthy even though I'ma not wealthy is impurrtant, and now Holy Cannoli I can be eating Holistic & Natural foods. Yep uh huh - datza fur shure. Cuz FELIDAE Pure Elements dried & canned foods for da Meowsters izza all natural! And, yep uh huh again - theyza got da CANIDAE natural foods for you pooch pals too. Itza diverse company that cares for all of us 4-leggeds.
Catzowey! Da bag is like a traveling picture postie card - has da mountains on it - and the view of da package makes me purr like exacticatically when I'ma going on a VaKayShun.
When you finishes enjoying yur nachural and healthy meal, then you picks yurself uppa, dusts yurself off and gets right back to living again. BUT youza gotta use that darned de-dusting masheen to say arrivederci to da lint and stuff - and itza can be mind boggling.
Phewsatini I'ma dreaming of linguini!
Nothing better than Catzowey company, fine foods and abundacatnaps with someone youza luvs, after dat giganticat healthy and really nachural meal.
Wishing youza meowvalous week - make it a healthy one - and Me & Myself hopes your week is a nonCATastrophic week too! Let's rest up fur the 4th of July.
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
Catzowey! Da bag is like a traveling picture postie card - has da mountains on it - and the view of da package makes me purr like exacticatically when I'ma going on a VaKayShun.
When you finishes enjoying yur nachural and healthy meal, then you picks yurself uppa, dusts yurself off and gets right back to living again. BUT youza gotta use that darned de-dusting masheen to say arrivederci to da lint and stuff - and itza can be mind boggling.
Phewsatini I'ma dreaming of linguini!
Nothing better than Catzowey company, fine foods and abundacatnaps with someone youza luvs, after dat giganticat healthy and really nachural meal.
Wishing youza meowvalous week - make it a healthy one - and Me & Myself hopes your week is a nonCATastrophic week too! Let's rest up fur the 4th of July.
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty