February 2nd izn't justa the day after February 1st. Catzowey! Itza the day of da Groundhog and I'm checking out my pal to see if heeza Groundhog. Pssst .. this foto izza favorito - taken by my meowvalous fotographer, Mark Rogers.
If youza wondering what Signore Groundhog does on his speshule Groundhog Day, well I tells ya, he's looking fur his shadow.Or purrhaps heeza not gonna see his shadow so while heeza doing that, I'ma looking everywhere, trying to find my shadow before February 2nd arrives.
Looking everywhere uppa and downza and behind stuff too - just looking fur my shadow.
Itza fur shure - youza don't need tools to find yur shadow - itza already assembled so youza just needs payshunce.
Me & Myself izza so so so exhausticatted looking fur my shadow, dat I gotta lay down and resta uppa fur finding my shadow. Oopsatini, I thinks I sees my shadow, yep uh huh, itza fur shure - Basta Pasta ... my shadow izza right next to Me and Myself.
Da mostest famous working Groundhog in da world, izza Phil - dontza call him Philip, not Felipe, justa Phil as in Phil Punxsutawney from PencilVaneyah. Heeza catnapping till da early morning of February 2nd when he peaks outta his Groundhog mansion, in da frigid temperachures. Sometimes Phil sees hizza shadow, and sometimes he duzn't - time will tell and so will da Press dat gathers from all over da Globe to watcha Phil on February 2nd. Why? So weeza knows whether the weather izza gonna be good or not so good! Yep uh huh, itza fur shure.
Wishing youza da mostest meowvalous, hopefully warm and nonCATastrophic week!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty