Catzowey is right! So so so much to purrrponder this week ..... like I'm just getting over the GIGANTICAT WORLD SERIES and now I got Halloweenie things to do too, like carve my GIANT organicat pumpkin.
OR find my purrfecto Halloweenie costume! Maybe Me & MYself will dress up as Dracucatula
and say "I wanna bite of your catnip cookies!"
Pawsible that Me & MYself dresses up as Go Johnny Go Depp and enjoy being an irate Pirate!
Yo Ho HOzatini pass me a meowtini.
And if I'ma under the influence of my organicat Meowtini I can purrrobably watch myself change my watches on Caturday night when Daylight Savings Time is going poofzatini. Lemme remember .. itza Fall back and Spring forward, right?
Lil sisfur Grappa says AHHH nuts to finding a Halloweenie costume - hey sheeza in purrrmanent Halloweenie colors all year long (pssst, and sheeza purrroudly wears the colors of San Franfuncisco Giants too)
Dangzatini - Grappa doing dat purrrfeshonal modeling pose for Fall colors Cat-OH-logue!
Weeza both wanna wish YOU a most meowvalous and nonCATastrophic week!
Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
(and lil sisfur Grappa too)