December 29, 2008

Wrapped Up and Wired Fur Fun

What do you do on the last Monday of the year?  Clean up the meowster  house to PURRpare for the next year's meowvalous mess!
Furstly,  in between my abundacatnaps today, my smitten kitten self is taking down the Cwismus twee lights, lights and more lights and Catzowey...even more lights too! Where's the end of this thing? Tell me you have this PURRoblem too! And why is it the lights all work feline fine today and next year when I take them out of the bag, nothing lights up! That's a quizical question that might be answered by the time I use up all my 9 lives!

 Now where is that last sneaky string of lights hiding?

Felice (say FahLEEchee) Anno Nuovo! That's eyeTAILyun for Happy Mew Year!  And in fine Italian feline fashion, I'm bringing out my vintage Bubbly and Nip Du Jour to toast YOU at the turn of the meowster midnight, for making my year so increducatulous!  My Italian smitten kitten self hopes this 2009 will be mighty fine fur you and nonCATastrophic too. It was a widdle bit chaotic and catastrophic rounding up everyone fur the annual foto but we'd do anything for my favorite fotographer, MARK ROGERS -  Hey anybody who can bamboozle 3 cats and a wiggling human in 1 foto without any hiss fits, gets my GUIDO 4 paws UP award of the year! Mark belongs on TIME magazine cover "Favorite PURRson of Da Whole Year"!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty & His Editorial Staff

December 21, 2008

4 Paws Racing On A Holiday Week Treadmill

 I'm out and about, counting 6 french hens and on alert for 5 or a dozen geese a laying, and those 2 turtle doves who may be partying in my back yard haven't arrived yet,  and my Italian whiskers would wiggle for a partridge in or out of the pear tree! It's a bizzee time of the year fur sure....

But as Holly Daze bizzee as I am,  I magnificatly managed to squeeze in one imPURRtant visit with celebrikitty 9 Lives dude, Morris the Cat - it's kind of like meeting Chris Cat Kringle. Not to worry cuz your site is feline fantasticat- I'm not under the chair or out of view range -  Fur a change, I'm the PURRparazzi fotographer.  That's momma purroudly posing with Morris.  "Step it up a paw notch Morris" I hissed to him, and  he and his Hollywood shades PURRformed to the max. Morris is a true gent-a-cat-man, the cat's meow and anybody with 2 or 4 paws has a widdle envy of of his income too!

Now it's on Dancer and Vixen and Rudy too, honestly I don't know the others names, haven't got a clue!

My Italian stocking is hung and it's catzowey full galore - gotta wait till the 25th to get it down on the floor.

So so so and ho ho ho, its time to wish you a Meowy Meowvalous Catmas,  Happy Hanukkah  and Abundacat Happy Holly Daze! And remember... give someone who doesn't expect it, a kitty hug -you'll make their holly daze PURRfect (and maybe jingle their bells too!)

Ciao & Meow & Buon Natale ! (that's eyeTAILyun!)
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

December 14, 2008

Imported Hugs and DeliCAT Chocolates

My atheleticat self attended a "Say See Bone" swanky San Francisco soiree benefit for Northern Calif Special Olympics last week, and definiCATically it was the Cat's Meow being at RICHART Paris the oo la la of rich yummy delictiCATible chocolates.Oh non moi - the Italian Kitty does not indulge in chocolate as we all know our 4 paws are not allowed to consume this meowvalous conchoction but my adorakitty self is amewsed with boxes of rich imported hugs, so I mugged with the most beeYOUteeful meowvalous Madame Elisabeth who is the Manager of the whole big RICHART Paris in the whole big USA. Lemme tell ya, the french hug the best and she made my whiskers wiggle so I let her beeYOUteeful self carry me around all night at the fantasticat french chocolate boutique!

Fa Feline La and La De Dah! Meow and now it's time to deck the halls with balls and jolly stuff but what to choose? PURRpondering to master pawsatively great decor before my 9 lives passed, my four paws voted UP to conult Pierre de la Pen Gwin, my nonCATastrophic (and not dazed or phased) Holly Daze designer who PURRvided helpful hints on how to pick up the balls without bruising my suave Italian head- hey someone has to toss these meowster sized bowling balls on the tree limbs!

Is there an Olympic sport for Holly Daze Ball Tossing?!

Catzowey I think I've got it! Now if I can just find my Cwismus tree!

Make it a
nonCATastrophic week
and don't leave your Holly Daze PURRojects hanging - finish them!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

December 7, 2008

Holly Dazed or Dazed by Golly & Still Jolly

Just a few weeks until Santa Claws drops in and you know how sturressed people get at this time of the year, so it's imPURRative to exercise in between catnaps. You've gotta be doin'  your cardiocat stuff,  bench PURResses or yoga downward dog or upward pup poses to keep your meowvalous mind in balance. Balance?? Did someone say balance  ... as in not falling off the edge? Hey fur me, balance  is keeping upright on a limb while keeping this Holly Dazed hat on my head.  My smitten kitten paws attest this kitty couture creation is not designed by Italia's own fashionistacat, Donnatella Fursacchi!

Mirror mirror on the hollidazed wall, confidentacatically I'll find the  fairest feline of all, maybe under the Cwismas tree this year! 

Oh yeah, you're thinking you might be  green cat eye to giganticat  eye with the Grinch Kitty who wants to steal Cwismas? Think again...

Cwismas - catzowey!  That means my annual  holiday card is purrobably being purrduced by my purrsonal purrfesshional fotographer - the great Celebricat camera genius, MARK ROGERS. Oh si si si (that's eyeTAILyun), Mark and me share catnip, I break out the vitage stuff when he shows up cuz he's my speshule furiend.  That's we 2 dashing dudes below....

Don't get  your whiskers FURazzled this holiday season, cuz it's not worth it and besides, I'm the one who has 9 lives, you don't! And be sure to get abundacatnaps so we can mouse around the Cwismas tree or jingle bell meow mix rock! Oh my golly, it's time to be jolly!!!

Ciao & Meow
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

November 30, 2008

A NonCATastrophic Black FUReyeDay

Only in my wildest wide eyed meowster dreams would I NOT enjoy eyeballing a good sale - hey isn't that what Black FUReyeDay is all about and what kitty doesn't like to bat, tangle and mangle dangling sale tags!  It's all about oh you bet and hope we get -  and my smitten kitten self did get my 4  paws rollin' and strollin' down the streets of San Francisco  on FUReyeDay (oh yes, with my Turkey samwich in my striped pocket),  Oh si signore and fur sure, in fine Italian Kitty  fashion, I ventured into Salvatore Feralcatgamo's bouCATique to find a new 'oh it's meowvalously Italian" item, whose value had dropped since the Turkey went into the oven Thursday. But the Italian Tom Cat of Design was snoozing! Nothin' on sale - ooops maybe cuz he doesn't PURRactice Black FUReyeDay cuz he lives in FURenzie Italia.

I'm just gonna hang out fur a while in this EYEtailYun store .....

My whiskers are wiggling to indulge my Italian Euros and some of my weakened weekend Dollars, so me and my paws trekked to Macy's (kitties and pups are romping in  their fantasticat annual holiday windows thanks to the San Francisco SPCA!)  and dontcha know ya, that I found catzowey pots and gourmacat pans to try out. If you're not comFURtable with your cookware then it won't PURRform for ya!

Still on the search for a delectacatable deal and lugging my MasterCAT card, my paws caught a kitty cab to  Crocker Galleria (it's the Cat's Meow)  and  being the envirocat I am (no paper bags for my paws to play in!) I took my cloth shopping bag - you all should have at least 1 fur each to  show off your favFURite places while being an envirocat . Oh FYI (Feline Yikes of Interest!) Crocker Galleria has a fantasticat y organicat Farmers Market every Thursday and  you won't wanna cat nap thru it,  cuz the produce is meowvalously FUResh!

As you see, FurEYEday after the Big Bird was meowvalous fun!  I hope you have a nonCATastrophic week - hey it's watcha cana maka ofa ita!  Bella catzowey - that's  feline fantastico Italiano. Go and and enjoy a catanapa!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

November 23, 2008

Bejeweled and BeMEWled

What makes you feel more meowvalous than fresh organicat catnip or a double cream catpuccino? Playing with giganticat jewels of course!  Last week I had the pawsative pleasure to kitty hug the insPURRational and fantasticat jewelry designer, the world renowned and meowvalous COREEN CORDOVA . Oh purrs galore cuz Coreen is  the PURRveyor of beauteous charms that dangle and bangle (every meowster wants to entangle in her charm), uh huh charms which are definicatically the Cat's Meow! Coreen has an artisticat eye...what do we think she'd creaticat for my aristocat Italian eyes and smitten kitten self?  Her kitty hug made my Italian whiskers wiggle too! After all, she's a cat and dog momma so she  knows how to make magical paw moments. Coreen is 4 Paws UP in my meowster big black book.

Catzowey! This week the Big Bird arrives as guest of honor and my meowster self is hoping Signore Tom terrific turkey doesn't see me at the table, so I've decked out in commandokitty cat-oflauge, just lurking in wait for his PURResence on Thursday afternoon. Got all 4 paws crossed, kitty purrayers in motion and I'm licking my lips that I'll have FUReyeday leftovers too! Hey, I'm Italian so there's no tofu turkey on my menu. Me and my meowster self wishes you a nonCATastrophic Thanksgiving Day.

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

November 17, 2008

Fantastic Day In The City By The Bay!

Saturday was a day I could have kitty cloned myself to be in a catzillion places without using up some of my 9 lives. Before I hosted my TV show PURRmier Party, I trotted my paws to a PURRsonal appearance at Saks Fifth Avenue cuddling with the "Empress of Entertainment, the PURRfectly fabucat Jan Wahl who is the Cat's Meow and a fabucat purrponent for we 4-leggeds. 

Oh man,  Jan made my whiskers wiggle while we shared a double cream frothy catpucciccino, talked Hollywood  and cat chatted with purrsons in Saks hoping  they purrchased cosmewtics cuz a portion of every cosmewtic sale that day would benefit my friends at Pets Unlimited - the greatest animals org since organicat kitty wheat grass was boxed!
My momma and I are adoracats for raising awareness for Pets Unlimited and she was contentacat being surrounded by all the cosmewtics and I just wanted to play on the counters with all the meowvalous little bottles, boxes and gizmos - definicatically Saks could be a great place for a Meowster Play Day!
Managed to get a little catnap in before my 50 meowvalous guests arrived (I was jumping for joy that my best furiend Skeezix was coming!), so I speed slumbered for 50 winks worth of time.

PARTY TIME and Skeezix is here! Catzowey!!! Let the feline festivities begin! 
We had pawsatively purrfect pasta and biscatti and biscotti and I tested to be sure the culinary creatiCATions were just right for my special and meowvalous guests.

Skeezix brought his film crew to my San Fran Feline Italian Villa and I almost had a Catniption when my purrecious & purrty door-opening-gal Virginia (she's got the knack cuz she opens the meowster doors at Cat Safari my favorite kitty camp), opened up our front door and Catzowey - it was the giganticat Ted Rheingold (he's Top Dog  at Dogster and Catster) in real life (I think he's still on his FURst life and hasn't used up any 9 lives cuz he looks fantasticat- gotta get name of his groomer cuz the guy has style!) Here's pics from my Party compliments of my favorite Catster Cat's Meow Blog - it'll be just like you were there. 

We rocked the Villa and nothing like being with furiends! But the national news is mewsing about the show,yep  I saw my self in the NY Times and nope, we  don't need to talk about the not-pawsative TV show ending (maybe the show staff folks need to live with a cat so they can Think Like A Cat)  but my meowster self IS the million dollar kitty because I have a catzillion furiends like you who warm my Italian kitty heart! This was a magical meowvalous 3 months for me, hey, I went to Hollywood, and if you're curious as a cat as to what's on my agenda this week, just take a look! I purromise to awaken before next Monday so you can start your day the Guido way!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

November 9, 2008

I Think Like A Cat - Now YOU Can Too!

And are you just curious as a cat to know what the infurmous  game show host Chuck Woolery and I are catchatting about? Chuck has Catitude that's fur sure and it's show time week  when we  eight Catestants play a catcentric game, Think Like A Cat. Which meowsters will  leap out of the gates of the Hollywood TV set and who's paws are travelling  at lightening speeds resembling meowster mustangs or PURRhaps at the speed of a herd of turtles! 

You won't know unless you tune in on Saturday November 15th (9:30pm ET) to watch the Meow Mix Think Like A Cat TV show. Hey my pawsative catitude and me went to Hollywood and it's definicatically California Dreaming and who knows...I may be a Million Dollar Baby too, but you won't know unless you watch the show! 

So what's new pussycat? Abundacat stuff! I'm going to  Saks Fifth Avenue!   Uh huh, in the Cosmeowtic Department this SATURDAY NOV 15th at the San Francisco Union Square store from 11am to 1pm. My paws are purrmoting  the PURRmier of Think Like A Cat, and if you bring your list of goodies your fine non-feline self might need, a portion of all the cosmetics sales that day will go to Pets Unlimited - my game show partner. Get your MasterCAT Card ready! Come to Saks to say HI or Buon Giorno or just to give me a kitty hug. My pal Chuck can't make it, but I  will be there  11am to 1pm - yep the same day Think Like A Cat PURRmiers!  I hope your week is filled with meowvalous Meow Mix moments and abundacatnaps!  You can bet your whiskers I'll be catnapping on Sunday all day long! 

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

November 2, 2008

PURRuse Your PURRopositions Before Your Vote!

Oh my gosh! My smitten kitten self will vote with 4 paws on November 4th and YOU need to vote too!

It's a humungous event to PURRuse and cruise the voter ballot cuz exactacatically it's almost 35 kitty litter boxes in length thus, undoubtacatically and PURRobably if shredded, the ballot would fill your litter box AND mine too! Look, I'm stretched to the max trying to review all the issues of the day so I can have a say.... and it's made me an exhaustakitty.

Wake up Americats! No way are you catnapping till your paws vote. Remember you can be an Independakitty, Republicat or Democat and I'll have an Italian hiss fit if you don't dutifully and beautifully vote! Bummer for us meowsters this year though - Mickey Mouse isn't sponsoring any PURRopositions. Everyone else is - so why not the big cheese?He could endorse organicat creme cheese for all !

Speaking of organicat reminds me to remind you that I'm an Envirocat and your paper ballot needs to be disposed of proPURRly so consider the following: shred it for garden mulch (makes a nice mouse house), wrap up a farm raised fish from your market, roll it up and smoke it (isn't the Summer of Love coming around?) or keep reading it until next election!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

October 30, 2008

Hap O Cat O Ween Wishes

My Italian self wishes you and you and your paws a nonCATastrophic, pawsatively great and safe Happy Halloween!  I'm opticating for a PURRivate Pirate event this year, ya know like PIE EYE RATS of the Caribbean...  but where's Johnny Depp the cool cat, when I need him... or  PURRhaps does he need the Italian Kitty? Could be catzowey cool! Happy Halloween and be safe!!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

October 26, 2008

It's No BOOloney! It's Bats and Dracucat

HallowCATzoweyween week is here and my paws and me have been experimenting with finding the PURRfect costume .. you know it's the week that you dress up and PURRtend you're pawsatively someone else - furget politicatical characters this year and besides, I'd never do that cuz categorically speaking, I'm an Independicat. Spooky couture choices are abundacat but I'm a fastidious feline with fantasticat taste so the mega meowvalous decision doesn't come too easily to my smitten kitten self. Ahhhh, dare I go as this or that .. don't want my meowster mug to appear fat! So me and my paws are thinkin about dressing up as Dracucat ..... "Lemmee putta mya Italian ivories into youza catnip container!"
There's also a rumor my Italian buffed self will dress up as a "Small Smitten Kitten" but that's BOO-loney cuz there's no way I'll fit into this inky dinky cat costume. It's PURRplexing fur sure and I think they sent me the wrong size!

Anybody in there??? Is this what you call a PURRfected smile because he had Feline Invisalines? Whatever is makin this dude de la orange laugh is the cat's meow to me but hey, let's join in the fun and have a nonCATastrophic halloween. Now I demandacat you and your paws be safe: only consume catnip if PURRivately and proPURRly wrapped and if you're offered some Meow Mix, make sure it's the new Wholesome Goodness that's gonna debut on Think Like A Cat (November 15th on Game Show Network).

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

October 19, 2008

Animals and the Arts- Benefiticaticaly Great

I took a break from  hanging out and me and my paws  ventured to a classicatical concert for cats and dogs ... you know, with Violins playing (great strings to mesmorize a meowster!) . Yep I  attended the Pets Unlimited annual Animals and the Arts in San Francisco, a supurrbly orchestrated event beyond our wildest paws and whiskers,  and this annual funraiser keeps dogs and cats, oops  I mean cats and dogs, out of shelters and puts them into catzowey homes. I'm giving this event the GUIDO 4 PAWS UP award of the year and you need to put it on your 2009  Pawsatively must do  calendar ..... either to sit and stay in person or suPURRt this worthy cause that's ecstaticatically the cat's meow (and canine cool!).

Catzowey - I got a giganticat award in front of catzillion guests...yep I'm the recipient of the Pets Unlimited  2008 Unlimited Love Award, Purring Cat Category for 2008!!

Lemme tella ya what makes the Italian Kitty purr:  Ya know, I adoracat my job as an  SF-SPCA Animal Assisted Therapy guy at The ARC where the clients woo me and wiggle my Italian whiskers while making me purr big time (but my job is to make THEM purr), thus the Award from Pets Unlimited.  Beyond my wildest smitten kitten dream, it conFURms  don't give up on  your dreams cuz they sensationalicatically can come true. Never furget, I'm the rescue kitty with 3 homes in  61 days of my life, and my paws and me are honored fur sure to get this  meowvalous honor!

Meowvalous reminds me of Meow Mix which reminds me I get mixed up and haven't told you why I went to Hollywood in August.  Don't wanna use up all my 9 lives before you find out about the November 15th premier of this national game show - uh huh, as in I am one of  8 Catestants on  Meow Mix "Think Like A Cat" TV show.   Here's a little sneaky peaky of me and my momma auditioning - she Thinks Like A Cat and we repurrsented the great City by the Bay, San Francisco.  Can't let the cat out of the bag as to if I'm the $1 million purrize winner - you'll find out.   May your week be filled with abundacatnaps and some sun dried autumn catnip!
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

October 13, 2008

Columbus Day Purrade With Guido

Without a doubtacat, of course  my Italian paws went to the Columbus Day purrade in San Francisco - sun rays were shining  purrfectly I  wanted to stop  my float and catnap for a block. People lining the stureets were neet to meet and greet and of course it was a meowvalous molto bene time with my purrfect paisan pals. Befur the purrade, I couldn't quite decide on what "PURRoud to be Italian"  kitty couture to wear ...

On the PUrrade route, the Blue Angels were winging it overhead and I tried to CATch a glimpse from my float .... lemme tell ya, those are big blue birds we meowsters don't have a smitten kitten chance of catching! Better stick to the garden variety that fly low!
Catzowey, last week I got interviewed by the mega meowster SKEEZIX THe Cat - he's the Cat's Meow and how. We  trekked our paws to my favfurite outdoor Italian cafe, over double creme Catpuccino's in North Beach. For Skeezix, I  donned a  suit and put on my great gramp's Italian tie fur this oppfurtunity. If you're curious as a cat as to what we cat chatted about ... just visit

I gotta catnap cuz I'm exhaustikitty this week!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty

October 12, 2008

Cazowey Down To The Wire - VOTE VOTE VOTE Fur Me

You don't have to be a Republicat, Democat or Independikitty to vote today for ME. I just need your votes as the Star Pet contest ends on Monday Oct 13th. It's free double cream catpuccinos for all if  I win! I'm not despurrate - I just need more votes - I'm in 2nd place so send this to your friends and furiends!

October 6, 2008

Special Sunday With St. FURancis

Gettin' out of the house and visiting  another house  is fantasticat, so yesterday  I took my 4 paws and went to the big house on the hill - Grace Cathedral - it's a given from this smitten kitten - they need a mighty meowster to PURRtrol the mice population in the caverns of this meowvalous place. The special day comes once a year  and it's the day we animals get to catnap in the pews, meow at a hymn and  lounge center stage in the aisle (until the jumbo PURRcession comes trotting past us!). The PURRiests have oodles of fringe on their scarves that would  be a kitty delight to dangle from!  All this in honor of our animal lovin' pal, St. Francis.

Everyone got a PURRogram and it said "The Feast of Saint Francis" but I PURRused every pew. My cat eyes saw abundacat ankles and people out of their shoes who should have been in their shoes,  but didn't see any food to feast on. Hmmm, maybe it was typo! 

Don't be PURRplexed - yes you're  viewing a  darling dog on The Guido Gazette - a historical meowvalous moment! St. Francis Day is a day of diversity and all are welcome - check out this cute canine  who was just across the aisle from me - she winked & woofed  at my  buffed mighty meowster self  but we both flew under our pews when the big organ piped up! So much for a short term relationship.

Wiggling whiskers! I know, I know,  you're curious as a cat as to why I'm not telling you what took my paws and me to Hollywood in August ... stay tuned just a little longer. But fur now,  I'd be ecstaticat if your awesome pawsome self  would cast a vote for me in a photo contest I'm in. My paws are crossed that I'll win but can't do it without you.   Vote For Guido The Italian Kitty and then go and take a nonCATastrophic catnap today!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty

September 28, 2008

CritiCATicism of The System

Politicatically correct - that's me the mighty meowster, and with an election coming up,I'm just hanging out trying to understand the electoracat system - CATegorically speaking, it's not the cat's meow for anyone to unravel! Furget chads and let's think shred shred shred - umm a kitty delight on an election night.

Furstly, I want you to understand my fur gets unfurled in the wrong direction when someone PURRsumes I'm a Democat, Republicat or even an Independacat - I'm just Guido the Italian Kitty and meowvalously PURRoud of it. But my paws are attempting to figure out the  giganticat CaliFURnia ballot. Whew, I need a catnap after this!
But categorically speaking, it wise to look at all the proPURRsitions from every angle before you  make your decision.... see, this is how my smitten kitten self does it. 

So don't let your ballot get the best of you - tackle it!   Catzowey - it's most important to get your paws to  vote - even an Italian Kitty believes in exPURRessing the  right to vote... you won't be able to treat yourself to catnip  if you don't vote. 
Vote Absen-takitty - but just vote!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty

September 22, 2008

Mirror Mirror On My Wall

Who's the fairest Meowster of them all? Well let's not have a hiss fit over that! Hey I'm Guido the Italian Kitty and my catitude is flowing this week because my feline fairy god mother is vaCATacationing ( I think in PURRto Vallarta)  so while she's lounging in South of the Border abundacat sun rays I'm  on my own and purring about it. 

Hey, it's not suPURRfluous that I want to keep my smitten kitten Italian whiskers  in balance - you should groom in your room too. My magical meowster mirror mirror on the wall seems to suffice well and all 4 of my adorakitty paws are not PURRpondering over "who's the fairest Meowster of them all"!  I know who is ... do you??? Now go and have a nonCATastrophic day and sneak in a catzowey catnap too!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty

September 14, 2008

Market FURmoil &Turmoil Is Reason To Catnap

Catzowey! The news is not aMEWsing these days so I'm optiCATing to slumber away until the fat cats at the Federal Feline Reserve get our economy back on track - we all need it pawsatively and expediacatly too.

I don't know about yours, but my MasterCATcard has interest rates higher than a catnip tree in Catalonia - now that's CATastrophic, and it's causing me to FURtail my spending - in fact it's knocked me out.

A tisket a tasket, I'm headed to my basket, cuz my mighty meowster whiskers are not wiggling at the rising cost of imPURRted Italian sardines, a meowvalous staple in my dediCATed delicioso diet. Wishing you a week full of fantasticatnaps and cross your paws that we're back on track and having a doggone great time soon! (oops, I meant Catzowey time! )

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty

Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday

  Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...