December 27, 2009
Look Into My Eyes Fur 2010 Mew Year Purrdictshuns

December 20, 2009
I'm Rapping While Wrapping !

Don't let yur giftie wraps get out of control ... and if you do, be shure ya ducks frum da giganticat roll.

GUIDO the Italian Kitty and Baci (dats her having da Holly Daze hiss fit), Yolo my little brofur, and our Landlord, Lender and Chefette ~ Momma.
December 14, 2009
Holiday Hiss Fits - FREE At The Post Office
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
December 6, 2009
Purrpondering The Purrfecto Holiday Tree
November 29, 2009
Oh Comfort All Yee Tummies
Gotta get my buffed self back in shape cuz I got da PURRmoshuns to do in public for my animals organEyezayshuns and itza impurrtant to be twimmed and not robust. So itza Viva la Vegetables this week! And hey, make it an organicat nonCATastrophic week too.
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
November 22, 2009
Pals Of The Feather Will Dine Together
Basta pasta! I'ma still counting the meowments till da guest of honor shows up round da corner and suddenly I'm licking my little EyeTailYun lips and having da urge fur Turkey Tetrazzini.
November 15, 2009
SuPurrb Saturday in San Franfuncisco

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
November 8, 2009
Purrsonal Glimpse Of Me & Myself At Home
November 1, 2009
Matter of Facticatically - Manners Count!
Wowza Meowza - I received an InvaTayShun tooza da wedding of furry speshule furiends (yep uh huh, youza has some of dem too in yurza good furiend book!). It said "Guido and Guest" so I brought me and myself - that's 2. You know my globe trotting paws were counting the meowments till this wedding day, and of course I have propurrrr manners and listened when the Bride told me and myself "BE ON TIME"! Wellza I tells ya - we was on time fur shure - yep uh huh, here I am on time and nobody else is here - not even da BeeYouTeeFull Bride! So I putted my paws up on da nice shiny chairs dats overlooking da Pacific Oshun and I waits, and waits and I almost catnapped befur the NoopShules begins.
October 25, 2009
Itza Doggone Meowvalous HOWL-O-ween

Youza have a doggone meowvalous Halloween and be shure of no Twicks and just gets or gives abundacat Catzowey Tweets (fill da Tweets goody bag with Euros, Dollars, Catnip, more Euros, Gifty Certificiates fur Meowsage, more Euros, or furesh sashimi rolls)! Youza got da idea of making da nice Tweets bag!
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday
Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...

Catzowey! Me & Myself are telling ya that a HUG goes a very long way any day at any meowment. Yup Uh Huh it...
Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...
Didja know it’s me? Nah youza thinks it’s dat famoso Bunny dude who devours carrots by the hours! Yup Uh HUH I used to check out those ca...