Oh catzowey guaranteed and agreed - - it's definicatly a given that this mighty meowster is going to catnap through both, yes not one but absoluticatly two upcoming political conventions even though I'm quite the poliCATically correct guy. But hey folks, these not so feline fun events can be snooze and you loose, so I'm trying to get my smitten kitten self into the catvention mode. What's an Italian Kitty to do? Well, my purrfect Italian paws and me went to a neighborhood kitty caucus recently (with my pal Stanley) and here we guys are ... attentive creatures and definiCATly fine specimens of true tax paying pals. We followed all the proPURR Roberts Rules of Order and caused some disorder too but we won't cat chat about that!
July 27, 2008
In PURRpetual Politicat Motion
Oh catzowey guaranteed and agreed - - it's definicatly a given that this mighty meowster is going to catnap through both, yes not one but absoluticatly two upcoming political conventions even though I'm quite the poliCATically correct guy. But hey folks, these not so feline fun events can be snooze and you loose, so I'm trying to get my smitten kitten self into the catvention mode. What's an Italian Kitty to do? Well, my purrfect Italian paws and me went to a neighborhood kitty caucus recently (with my pal Stanley) and here we guys are ... attentive creatures and definiCATly fine specimens of true tax paying pals. We followed all the proPURR Roberts Rules of Order and caused some disorder too but we won't cat chat about that!
July 20, 2008
Lighten Up Your Load
So, I’m working out ecstaticatically on my gymbokitty, pumping the paw iron in between abundacatnaps and you'd better believe my meowster self when I say .. I’d much preFUR to be mysteriously and seriously doing nothing. If you wanna be looking svelte and Italian buffed, here's "Guido's 4 Paws UP Meowvalous Guide To Looking Catzowey".
#1 ..... Always Strrrrrrrrrrrrrrretch before you start the workout!
#3 ..... Inspectacat to the scene: your gymbokitty equipment has gotta be in fine feline condition - and safe for the paws.
#4 ..... Always hold your weights securely while purring for a micro meowster moment. As fast as a cat can wiggle it's whiskers, you'll be in fantasticat shape if you follow proPURRly.
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty
July 13, 2008
Pulling Pawsative Strings
If you're perusing the news these days I'm catzowey sure you'll agree it's not amewsing nor realisticatically meowvalous stuff. Seems all the corporate fat cats (oops... they could be lean and mean) are trying to pull strings in their companies - so I thought I'd put my mighty meowster corporacat kitty capabilities to work too... cuz I love to pull a good string!
July 7, 2008
Pawsitively Great Kitchen Toys
Summer is the PURRfect time for fun and finding pawsatively grate stuff – oops I mean great toys! Today my paws stumbled upon this giganticat cheese grater and catzowey, I want to meet the mouse that can climb this mountain of cheese! Kitchen gadgets should be multi purrpose - you know, like a little useful and periodicatically playful, and according to my feline fave the Iron Chef and Diva Kitty, Cat Cora, (she makes my whiskers wiggle), we're supposed to have a fantasticat time in the kitchen!
And fantasticat day it is for this Italian kitty! I awakened this morn to catzillions of emails saying I'd won the CATSTER.com ‘Cat of the Day’ award ... but don’t take a catnap or you’ll miss seeing me as it’s just for 07/07/08 – a meowvalous moment in my mighty meowster life. It's grate! Oops and more oops, I mean in true Tony The Tiger fashion, it's grrrrrrrreat.
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty
July 3, 2008
Celebrate the 4th Catzowey Style
Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday
Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...
Catzowey! Me & Myself are telling ya that a HUG goes a very long way any day at any meowment. Yup Uh Huh it'...
Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...
Way way so far way back when I wazza yungun and just 1, I discovered I luvs giant fun stuff, like baseball. Yep uh huh - I recommen...