Catzowey! Me & Myself are telling ya that a HUG goes a very long way
any day at any meowment.
Yup Uh Huh it's for sure! And there are abundacat ways to HUG
Here's some of my faves for meowvalous you to learn The HUG Theory
according to Me & Myself - Guido the Italian Kitty!
HUGS don't always have to be face to face ... you can HUG in
different pawzishuns anytime cuz a HUG is a HUG always.
You can find out a HUG can be nose to nose, cuz I knows!
This is a really big Man Cat to Man Cat HUG
Thanks Signore Jackson Galaxy
Cuz we had Man Cat Hugs galore!Hoorayzatini for Man Cat Hugs!
Sometimes ya just wanna hug something sweet that you love
like a giganticat Ice Cream cone! Yup Uh Huh it's for sure.
NOWZA WOWZA ... Time to review HUGS with you.
Nothing finer than the real deal when I'm on the job with my
very special needs seniors. HUGS rock! And HUGS come in all
forms and shapescuz a HUG is just special no matter how it arrives.
very special needs seniors. HUGS rock! And HUGS come in all
forms and shapescuz a HUG is just special no matter how it arrives.
Wishing you a meowvalous nonCATastrophic week
full of HUGS HUGS and more HUGS!
Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
PS .. are ya ready for my turning Terrific Twelve in May?
Party idea is coming soon! Hoorayzatini! I'm ecstaticat!