Me and myself are not monkeying around these days
with the quarantine.
But we sure are happy to meet this
masked monkey dude .. aren't you?
Feeling Starstruck with Venus aligned with Jupiter?
Put on your Hollywood Dark Glasses but watch it from
INSIDE so ya don’t get out of your bubble!
you cause dat covid trouble!
Well well well .... we EyeTailYuns know Red Peppers
are as sweet as a meowvalous kiss so
get yourself a rocking Red Pepper to
pump up your lips.
Hee Hee Hee - I swear it's true about Red Peppers
cuz my Man Cat meowster lips are pumped up & I'm
smiling wildly too!

Nowza Meowza Me and Myself are
just hanging out after indulging in the
sweet heat of Red peppers and
feeling exhausticatted
ya may have heard I got dat Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease.
Yup diagnosed July 20th 2020
Dangzatini Me & Myself gonna beat this dude at his game!
So I ask you & your furmily to cross da paws, knees
toes, fingers, tails & whatever you can cross that
I gets bettah and back to feeling meowvalous
AND please join me at #TeamGuidoStrong
Cuz the power of the paws works !
Abundacat Hugs - HEALTHY HUGS of Course!
And cheers to YOU having a nonCATastrophic week
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty