Me and myself are not monkeying around these days
with the quarantine.
But we sure are happy to meet this
masked monkey dude .. aren't you?
Feeling Starstruck with Venus aligned with Jupiter?
Put on your Hollywood Dark Glasses but watch it from
INSIDE so ya don’t get out of your bubble!
you cause dat covid trouble!
Well well well .... we EyeTailYuns know Red Peppers
are as sweet as a meowvalous kiss so
get yourself a rocking Red Pepper to
pump up your lips.
Hee Hee Hee - I swear it's true about Red Peppers
cuz my Man Cat meowster lips are pumped up & I'm
smiling wildly too!

Nowza Meowza Me and Myself are
just hanging out after indulging in the
sweet heat of Red peppers and
feeling exhausticatted
ya may have heard I got dat Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease.
Yup diagnosed July 20th 2020
Dangzatini Me & Myself gonna beat this dude at his game!
So I ask you & your furmily to cross da paws, knees
toes, fingers, tails & whatever you can cross that
I gets bettah and back to feeling meowvalous
AND please join me at #TeamGuidoStrong
Cuz the power of the paws works !
Abundacat Hugs - HEALTHY HUGS of Course!
And cheers to YOU having a nonCATastrophic week
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
Sending POTP!
dood....sorree bout de nasteee kid kneez dee zeeze.....we ask st francis ...R rockin awesum... total lee kewl... soooper hee roe... ta keep watch over ewe; cuzin boomer had it.. N him said two it "yur knot takin me down" & him lived ta tell de tail two yeerz later....ewe betcha !!
gwee-doh, we iz so sorry ta hear diz bad nooz, it makez uz furry sad
We know you're a tough cookie Guido so just fight, fight, fight and we'll be cheering you on!
I will be praying for you sweet Guido. XO
Guido we are sending you purrayers and Power of the Paw in your head-butting with CKD !
Me and Myself are so so so grateful to all all all of you friends! Youza helping me get through these new adventures .. I luvs luvs luvs ya all so so so much - yup uh huh I do luvs ya and puhleeze stay in paw touch with me,
We love you!
Guido we are all lining up and sending purrs and prayers a-plenty to our very special I-Talyan pal! The kidney disease is something Buddy Budd had but he was at 20 and Mr Buttons did but it was found really late and he had FIV. We know Mom is going to take really good care of you and you will hang in there my friend
On the 5th we are posting something fun for our pal who has a special day coming up on the 6th. Purrs Guido
Guido-we are sending you POTP by the bucket full and safe paw kisses and hugs aplenty. We heard from Timmy Tomcat blog that this is your special Gotcha day so we are exuberantly happy and hope you get to catabrate in style Purraying for you our friend-xoxo, Bibi & Meep
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