Guess who turned 2! It was a supurrrrrrb soiree and my cake was absoluta-kitty cool. 4
Guido Paws UP to Kathleen at
Kathy's Kreative Kakes for making me feel like I was immortalized on Mount Rushmore. And she got my mighty meowster green eyes PURRfect with incredible edible butter creme!

Now that I'm older, friends gifted me with my first EYEtalian Fine Feline Stogie - vintage catnip style of course - and I think it was a hit! Knocked me off my paws smack in the middle of my fantabulous feline party.

Exhausta-kitty hardly had enough paw power to open smitten kitten gifts: politicatically correct toys toys and toys, organicat foods for the enviro-cat, my very own Italian molto bene blankie for PURRfect catnaps and kitty books too (do YOU have the NY Times inky dinky book of cat cartoons?). From a cat's eye view, this party was the Cat's meow - and how! So now my large green eyes are at half-mast and I'm slumbering for a week to recharge. Will see you soon while I'm still 2!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty