Oh man, Jan made my whiskers wiggle while we shared a double cream frothy catpucciccino, talked Hollywood and cat chatted with purrsons in Saks hoping they purrchased cosmewtics cuz a portion of every cosmewtic sale that day would benefit my friends at Pets Unlimited - the greatest animals org since organicat kitty wheat grass was boxed!
My momma and I are adoracats for raising awareness for Pets Unlimited and she was contentacat being surrounded by all the cosmewtics and I just wanted to play on the counters with all the meowvalous little bottles, boxes and gizmos - definicatically Saks could be a great place for a Meowster Play Day!
Managed to get a little catnap in before my 50 meowvalous guests arrived (I was jumping for joy that my best furiend Skeezix was coming!), so I speed slumbered for 50 winks worth of time.
PARTY TIME and Skeezix is here! Catzowey!!! Let the feline festivities begin!

PARTY TIME and Skeezix is here! Catzowey!!! Let the feline festivities begin!
Skeezix brought his film crew to my San Fran Feline Italian Villa and I almost had a Catniption when my purrecious & purrty door-opening-gal Virginia (she's got the knack cuz she opens the meowster doors at Cat Safari my favorite kitty camp), opened up our front door and Catzowey - it was the giganticat Ted Rheingold (he's Top Dog at Dogster and Catster) in real life (I think he's still on his FURst life and hasn't used up any 9 lives cuz he looks fantasticat- gotta get name of his groomer cuz the guy has style!) Here's pics from my Party compliments of my favorite Catster Cat's Meow Blog - it'll be just like you were there.
We rocked the Villa and nothing like being with furiends! But the national news is mewsing about the show,yep I saw my self in the NY Times and nope, we don't need to talk about the not-pawsative TV show ending (maybe the show staff folks need to live with a cat so they can Think Like A Cat) but my meowster self IS the million dollar kitty because I have a catzillion furiends like you who warm my Italian kitty heart! This was a magical meowvalous 3 months for me, hey, I went to Hollywood, and if you're curious as a cat as to what's on my agenda this week, just take a look! I purromise to awaken before next Monday so you can start your day the Guido way!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty
GUIDO The Italian Kitty
You're really a guy out on the town! Saks! We're so impressed.
You have such excellent table manners too and obviously know just how to act in those dizzying social heights.
Such a cultured gentleman. Congrats on all your successes.
Hey Guido - Thanks for such a grrrreat night! We're sorry that you didn't win the gazillions, but all of us at Catster think that you're a catzillionaire already! Big purrrs and head butts to your furiend Judi for making the evening such a grand event!
Thanks fur inviting me, Guido! It was the most excitingest nite of my life!
Guido!! Yu beez da biggie wynner en awl ub ar harts cuz yu gotta biggie hart!! WE LUBBZ YU!!
Oh Guido, thank you for making my weekend so exciting. You and Skeez deserve an award just for doing such a fawbulous job on entertaining. I'm sorry you didn't win the kool million, but you are worth more than that and then some in my book! Your mom is very pretty and you have a lovely home! Thanks for the memories dear friend!
Caro Guido!!
What a star!! What a TV personality!
Mom and i were very sad,her in Canada we couldn't see your performance on the game show..but we are sure you were smashing as usual,even if you didn't win!!
And now Saks!!
What's next..the first cat-president of the United States of America?? For sure the cutest!!
CIAO BELLO! Il tuo amico milanese Giotto
Guido, you are my hero and always a winner!
The way you describe all your adventures, I can almost imagine being there myself!
The sounds of things, cameras clicking and the sounds of activity...meeting and greeting. The feel of people petting me.
The smell of the perfume in Saks.
The taste of the dinner later.
It was almost like I was there =)
Thanks for letting me share in your whirlwind fun, Guido.
Your pal,
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