Get your paws over to a bookstore and check out LUXURY FOR CATS, a fantasticat coffee-table sized book (it's even big for this Mighty Meowster!). Author, Patrice Farameh has compiled cats, cats and more cats - but not just we fantastic felines purrfectly profiled as the creatures of habit that we are. You'll see we kitties richly luxuriating here, there and everywhere, and it's in 5 languages too, but she forgot some of us speak Cat Chat - that would have made 6 meowvalous languages!!
Sneak a peak at the book : it's me meowvalously lounging luxuriously. Four Paws up for my PURRsonal photographer Mark Rogers who catapulted my feline face to not 1 but 3 photos in the book's Travel section! He's so good - I'm not even air-brushed! This pawsatively fun photo shoot took place at San Francisco's Pet Camp Cat Safari - it gets a Baby Bengal sized Four Paws up in the Guido Global Awards and it should be in the Zagacat and Michelin guides too! Move on over InterCatinental and Ritz Carlton ... ya ain't got nothing for we cats who want to luxuriate! You'll have to buy the book to revel in the other fantasticat shots and you'll be wishing you were a luxurious cat too!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty