Momma's Day only comes aroundza once a year and thatza whole lotta catnaps tooza get thru befur da Momma wants to be taken out to
SellAbrate da speshule day in May. So I rested uppa uppa and under da sofa too, all year long, and increased my Credible Cat Line of Credit at da Bank, yep uh huh, I did! Furstly I purrchased this BeeYouTeeFull orchid of course cursage to SirPrize my Momma - Oh catzowey when sheeza sees me sitting here at da table in da Furench Ristorante, sheeza gonna faint smackaroni dabzatini, yep faint in front of abundacat Momma's at their table. When I sez
"SirPrize Momma", sheeza purrobably so sirprised she won't remember! So, I got da impurrted Catalonia Sardine Smelling Salts just in case mia Momma needs reviving!
Youza knows me and myself izza Envirocat helping to purrtect Momma Earth, so da purrfecto Momma's Day gifty must always be in da fabucatulous Green Organicat Giftie Bag and check this outza - weeza got da wait purrsons on alert, cuz they'za hears mia Momma izza arriving soon and theyza looking fur her.
Buon Appetito and letsa enjoy da tasting--I wants da food to be supurrrbo fur mia Momma so my EyeTailYun self izza checking out da authenticat Furench
Croque Meownsieur sammywich with da CalEyeFurKneeYah Organicat greens .... bring on da next dish fur my feline fastidious tastebuds s'il vous plait (Shuksatini! I'ma cat chatting in Furench cuz weeza not in da Pizzeria ristorante.)
NOWza MEOWza, me and myself connectacats instacatically with this
Eggs Benedictazini with Salmon -oh la la la! I hear this dish meowing meowvaloso hints of fine dining tooza me and myself - yep uh huh itza saying thizza izza da purrfecto dish fur my mia Momma. I'ma curious as a cat to know whooza da purrson named Benedict dat gets this dish in his honor??
Sweet InsPURRashuns await mia Momma when sheeza spoons into this authenticat FURench Creme Brulee - sheeza gonna be saying "OH OO LA LA Guido" all day! Yep uh huh, datsa whatza my momma's gonna say in between da bites of this fabucatulous double creamy
Creme Brulee. Dontcha tell nobody that youza sees my paw in da Creme Brulee - youza having a feline fixation meowment purrhaps OR maybe youza gotta take off yur 3D glasses! Pawsatively I sees no paws in da desert... nope I duzn't.
Definicatically Momma deserves da funtasticat Momma's Day Brunch SirPrise ... Sheeza takes me to my job every other FurEyeDay on a bus and then we boards da famous San Franfuncisco Cable Car (yep weeza hums & strums da Mice-A-Roni-da-San Francisco-Treat Song, along da route). Weeza going to my job at
The ARC senior center in San Franfuncisco where we meets and greets da fabucatulous folks who gotza da Downe Syndrome or Autism or just things - yep uh huh, things and condishuns that youza and mio has too. Weeza all exacticatically da same which is why I luvs my job cuz I feels normal and meowvalous at The ARC. Rain or shine my Momma gets me to my job and thatza why I took my Momma out fur da speshule Momma Mia Day in The City By The Bay.
CATZOWEY - I'ma wishing youza da mostest fabucatulous week - yep uh huh and make it a nonCATastrophic week!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty