I know, I know, and I really do know - I'm not looking content-a-kitty here but you wouldn't be either if you were on
Patrol ala Lapin aka, Looking Out For Da Bunny, all weekend. If I'd been informed Easter week was this much fun, well I'd have insisted on being born sooner! But someone told this 10 month old smitten kitten I had to be on "Bunny Patrol" (earning my board and sun dried tomatoe brioche atop S'nob Hill before I could egg hunt). Without a doubt, I PURRformed- all night long protecting my abode and litter box from these little "bun buns of the season" - hmmm, some looked 'mighty meowster' tantalizing to my Italian tastebuds (do you think that little green guy might be a pesto bunny?).

Catzowey I may have catnapped and blinked for a kitten nano second.Where did these things come from???????

I'm game for my 1st Egg hunt but who in their right mind would hide eggs in a linen closet!?
Hoping your Easter week was fantabulously nonCATastrophic and wishing you a PURRfect next week,
Ciao & Meow
The Italian Kitty
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