Itza retrocat times fur me and my paws when I dances and purrances to da mostest famous intersekshun in the world: Haight & Ashbury in San Franfuncisco and fur shure, some things justa never ever changes - kinda like cats being da creatures of habit. Everybody izza super dooper furiendly in The Haight cuz thatza where theyza invented PEACE, LOVE & Brown Rice too. Yep uh huh it'za furiendly and great since 1968. I wazn't born then ... wazza youza?
Purranced my paws into a feline furiendly fashion boutique and itza da attack of da leggings! Had to get me and myself out cuz I wazza getting dizzy. Itza colorful crazy stuff in da Haight Ashbury. Andza then, yep uh huh andza then, check thizza out.....
Lookie at whatza popping out of da window! Catzowey! Call da Mewspaper and Pappurrrrazzi. Sheeeza definicatically in need of a Man Cat to save her!
Do The World A Flavor - and youza and yurza can help Ben & Jerry's name a new Ice Cream here at BEN & JERRY'S WEBSITE . Oh I luvs chilling out at Ben & Jerry's at da Innersekshun of Haight & Ashbury! Itza da mostest meowvaloso bizziest Ben & Jerry's in da whole wide wonderful world - cuz everybody is hunky happy dory!
Order a Chunky Monkey on a cone but not if youza pooch! The giganticat growls da giorno rev up when I sees this sign in da Ben & Jerry's andza Jerry's & Ben's window on Haight Street. Whatza they thinking? But catzowey itza cat furiendly so datsa funtasticat news! So I orders da double dippity cone TO GO in the organicat (nachurally itza green carry out bag) fur my pooch pals.
When youza comes to San Francisco, be sure to where da flowers on yur fur. Yep uh huh datsa what da 60's singer composer Scott McKenzie sang waaaaay back in da days of when Peace, Love and Jefferson Airplane was all flying high! (hee hee hee and a hazatini too). Andza here's me andza myself atza da Red Vic Inn. Itza old - really old like itza had way more than 9 lives cuz a whole Millennium ago in 1977 Signorina Sami Sunchild acquired the Red Vic, built as a hotel in 1904, and her Flower Power self turned it into da Inn. Datza brilliant & furiendly thing tooza dooza and itza purrobably got kitty beds and sunrays too. Sheeza got peaceful rooms, a Peace Dining Room, youza name it, sheeza into giving peace and itza furiendly fur da vegacataterians and da vegans and da organicats and thatza increducatulously nice.
Nowza YOU go and have da meowvalously peaceful week - yep datza what I wishes fur youza!
PEACE & LOVE (and a Ciao & Meow too)
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
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Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday
Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...
Catzowey! Me & Myself are telling ya that a HUG goes a very long way any day at any meowment. Yup Uh Huh it...
Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...
Didja know it’s me? Nah youza thinks it’s dat famoso Bunny dude who devours carrots by the hours! Yup Uh HUH I used to check out those ca...
You adorable mancat - I got my sweet picture in the mail today, and you're on the refrigerator! Thank you, and stay cool!
Looks like it was a great trips! We loves your picshurs.
That was a fun tour of your trip to San Franfuncisco, handsome Guido=you know all the cool places to hang out!...Happy week=we love you sweetie!...kitty kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I am putting on my daisy crown so I can join you in San Francisco! Peace!
My mommy says thank you, Guido, fur the trip down memory lane. San Francisco is mommy's hometown and she remembers hanging out in the Haight-Ashbury district when she was a teenager in the '60s. I purred to her if she remembers it, she purrobably wasn't really there.
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