Catzowey !
I'm working hard to table my table time
cuz my ManCat self deserves some special
table time - everybody does, dontcha think?
It's so so so meowvalous when I get
my table time, so I cross my EyeTailYun paws
that more tabby table time comes my way.
But more than tabby table time, I purrfur
being at my Animal Assisted Therapy job
where I gets a catzillion meowsages.
When I'm on the job these bedside meowsages sure
rev up my purr machine! Pssst - Me & Myself visit this nice
93 years yungun lady every other Saturday for my meowsages.
And dontcha think a ManCat should always wear
a good tie when on the job?
Once my job is done for the day
I'm back to tabling tabby table time
and feeling oh so so so Catzowey fine!
Wishing wonderful special YOU the mostest
nonCatastrophic week!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty