January 22, 2022

Nothing Finer Than a Caturday In Finer Niners Land


I’m up here at the Heavenly Catpuccino Cloud Cafe and we got our Cloud phones on and
 Gee Whiz 5 service is rocking. I see ya and I hear ya!

My Cat Eyes Cloud reception is purrrfecto to watch my Fab Finer Niners beat those Wisconsin cheesie folks - hee hee hee!

Yup gonna be tuning in and chillaxing and relaxing with a creamy super duper fine feline cappuccino while kicking back on a warm sunny cloud.

Amore and Pssst ... I love my San Fran Finer Niners and I love you too

GUIDO the Italian Kitty

Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday

  Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...