December 27, 2010

It's Happy Mew Year Time

Timely and amewsing news izza here: itza time for the Mew Year and hoorayzatini and oh how I luvs da tuna linguini! Weeza all got our paws crossed and me and myself izza on countdown too,  fur a doggone funtasticat 2011, and here's my pawsative suggestion fur living da Catzowey "Oh Eleven". Ready??

 Youza gonna feel revived and alive if youza has a daily catnap - yep uh huh itza fur shure.

Strrrrretch da paws cuz itza better than Zumba an lotza easier than the downward dog in Yogatini. So just  hang out and Strrrrrrretch da paws!

 And then after youza works at hanging out and strrrretching,  just kick da paws back, air out da laundry and enjoy da meowment .

Dontza wait till Mew Years Eve,  go GREEN nowza meowza, cuz youza helping our Momma Earth. And my Envirocat self asks youza to puhleeze compost dat pizza meowgarita and da leftover Holy Canolis, recycle dat Mew York Times paper, and keepsa keen cats eye on da house lights - yep youza can realisticatically do yur part.

Read to somebody, read tooza yurself, but read to keep uppa to date on stuff.  Pssst, dontcha tell but I luvs "Carl Goes Shopping" books cuz theyza doggone infurmayshunal.

Youza can stay organized and always knows what day itza is during 2011 if youza has da meowvalous 2011 MORRIS & FRIENDS CALENDAR - yep uh huh, I'm purrrroud to be wtih my pal Morris on da July and da December pages of his calendar.  My EyeTailYun Cat Crystal Ball says itza gonna be a nonCATastrophic and Catzowey year fur shure!

Happy Meowvaloso 2011 and Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

December 20, 2010

Holy Cannoli! Itza Ding Dong Sing-a-Long

 Ding Ding goes the trolley!  Itza time for meowvalous mistle toes and holly by golly, cuz it's Cwismus week and all thru my house, I see my empty EyeTailYun stocking waiting fur a mouse (ahem, or some boxes of Mice A Roni - the San Franfuncisco treat!)

(Catzowey! Youza knows thizza tune) ...  "Do you see whatza I sees?" said the little Drummer Dude with a good Catitude!  Lemme tells ya a secret:  Me and Myself sees abundacat furiends whooza da bestest purrresent ever. And furiends duzn't have to be wrapped uppa or put under da tree cuz not everybody hazza tree! Pssst ..YOUZA  my fantasticat furiend!

Tapping da toes, here we goes:   Have a holly jolly Cwismus and a very GREEN New Year!  Itza impurrtant youza knows our Environment is near and dear.

Sleigh bells ring and snowflakes may not be glistening but youza gotta be listening when I tells ya Me, Myself and My Staff wishes you a meowvalous Holly Daze and a Catzowey San Franfuncisco GIANT New Year!  

Abundacat Holly Dazed Hugs,

GUIDO the Italian Kitty

PS:  My furiend Morris The Cat (yep uh huh, the authenticat Morris The Cat!) has his new
"2011 Morris and Friends Calendar" that hit da Stores this morn! Itza catzowey calendar and I'ma purrroud to be on July and December pages!  All proceeds from sales benefit Morris's shelter where my furiend started hizza life. Puhleezes purrchase a calendar cuz itza Catzowey & youza knows me!

December 13, 2010

Lazy Or Crazy Days Of The HollyDaze

Ah nuts! Da HollyDaze is not all what itza cracked uppa to be - but this guy was meowvalous to me as I purranced my paws through San Franfuncisco on a HollyDazed and crazed Saturday.

Not starting with 12 drummers drumming as I purrfur  a smoother beat at The Fairmont Hotel atop Nob Hill -  my favorito pet furiendly place to relaxacat and feel HollyDazed.  The Lobby izza filled with echos of "Ciao Guido - can weeza treetza youza to a nice creamy double Catpuccino"? Basta Pasta - datza mewsik to my EyeTailYun kitty heart.

Meeting and greeting Fairmont guests izza what "Ann" duz best. Sheeza so so so happy I'ma purrancing thru The Fairmont. The purriliant  purrfeshunal  dons her fancy white paws to cuddle my EyeTailYun kitty self (Catzowey weeza got matching paws!).  AND then, Ann and Me and Myself heads to da sweet dreams place ...

Catzowey! ItzaMan-Cat sized Gingerbread Mansion in the Lobby of The Fairmont Hotel! Two stories (thizza izza no fairytail story!)  of real gingerbreads and abundacat gum drops. Hmmmmzatini I thinks there's impurrted Furench catnip in dat white icing too!

Boarded my Limo-Sleigh and headed my paws directacatically to da "HollyDazed Hug Booth" where I snuggled and huggled Signora Claws. Shhhh, dontcha tell, but sheeza gave me her favorito famiglia recipe fur Hot Mulled Nip and Holy Cannolis!

In fine feline fashion I  Purrancered and Dancered and speeded like a Comet to sit on da lap of dat 
ho ho ho OH so so so jolly man whooza not so fat. Must be lean times uppa at da North Pole.

Yikes! Four Calling Birds and three Furench Hens and notta even da two mini Turtle Doves ever gonna fit into this inky dinky shopping bag! (My MasterCat card gotta small credit line so I shops small)

 I wishes youza and yurza da mostest nonCATastrophic week. Yep uh huh itza true!

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

December 6, 2010

Untangle, Jingle Jangle & Tis the Season!

And thatza da reason I'ma exhausticatted. Catzowey! Itza HollyDaze time and me and myself is so so so busy dat I got no time fur my abundacatnaps.  Purrhaps itza gonna take all da day and all  da nighty time to figure out how my tree lights gotza all knotted uppa, when theyza just sitting quietly in da box all year. 

Itza fur shure theyza didn't get put in dat box like this!

There gottza be an ending so I can start !

WOWza MEOWza da tree arrived and I'ma inspectacatting it like da fabucatulous SuperDoopervisor duz. Youza knows a SuperDoopervisor does construction and also ....

Tree relocationing!  Checking out each branch cuz furesh green branch walking izza favorito sport at HollyDaze time. I hasn't topped da tree yet, but  if youza thinking dat my smitten kitten self toppled the tree, well youza correctacat. Holy cannoli! Itza resilient tree -  bounces back automaticatically when youza leaves da room. (Shhhh, dontcha tell anybody but, IF youza double clickity on da foto youza sees my tree relocationing work uppa close!)

There's abundacat reason and tis da season to enjoy da HollyDaze and purrhaps youza needs my "Smitten Kitten Stress Less Tip Of Da Weeka" ..... if youza feeling stressed-out and stressed-in and upza down and tipsy turvy I got da purrrscripshun:    kick back with  hot frothy Catpuccino, put da paws up ,have a pawdicure, do a downward Dog pawzishun and youza gonna be having a relaxacat HollyDaze. Youza got 11 more months to spread out da stress stuff so don't jamza pack it all into da December.

Wishing youza nonCATastrophic week,

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday

  Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...