Hoorayzatini! It's Fleet Week here in San Franfuncisco
and I'm honored to be the point purrrrson
of our Navy guys who rock and PURRRtect us.
ME & Myself feeling molto meowvalously EyeTailYun for
sure today on Columbus day & the feline funtasticat
Fleet Week! ALL in one week - CATZOWEY life
is so so so meowvalous.
Yikes! I shrunk backwards when the Signore Christopher Columbus
gave Me & Myself a ManCat kiss.
gave Me & Myself a ManCat kiss.
Phew and MEW! After all the fantastical stuff, me and the lil Sisfur
Grappa popped into a place where dat bartender di giorno gave us the
paws UP and good catnip beers too! Pssst... weeza under age meowsters
but he didn't ask for our ID!
paws UP and good catnip beers too! Pssst... weeza under age meowsters
but he didn't ask for our ID!
Yikes! Lil Sisfur Grappa has got her No Grappa NO self
into her own personal GRAPPA bottle! Nowza what do I do?
Purrrobably fly to HonoWooHoo -cuz I'm in the mood
to just have a MeowTai! Hee hee hee!
to just have a MeowTai! Hee hee hee!
YOU know I wish meowvalous YOU the mostest nonCATastrophic week!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty