It's Easter Sunday and me and lil sistah
Grappa are waiting and waiting to have
Signore Bunny visit. Dangzatini, we hear he's not
arriving ... cuz he's in quarantine in a carrot garden!
So weeza not feeling too eggstatic cuz we loves him
hopping over to our house.
So weeza not feeling too eggstatic cuz we loves him
hopping over to our house.
Not taking my man cat eyes off the front door just
in case Signore Bunny gets here!
Happy Easter to you!
Hoping you get abundacatnaps in this quarantine
AND remember... wash your paws abundacatically for
20 seconds or more!!!
AND remember... wash your paws abundacatically for
20 seconds or more!!!
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty