May 10, 2020

Remembering My Momma On Momma’s Day

This is me meeting my new adoptive Momma Baci almost 14 years ago

She sure made me & myself comfy!

 Hee Hee Hee - sometimes I’d fall out of bed on my head!

Momma Baci just kept on slumbering when I went 
kaboom in the room

 We wazza the perfecto Momma & Son!

Momma Baci ran our house with a firm paw and never ever
liked it when I’d be man-kitty misbehaving!  Holy Cannoli! She was 
a strict Momma

So cheers to my Momma Baci who taught me my meowster
manners and cheers to all da momma cats who brought we
meowsters on Earth!

Wishing you a nonCATastrophic Day and a safe one too!

Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh those photos are precious!! Love how you made yourself at home! I am sure your adoptive Mama taught you well...I can tell! Please tell your human Mama, Happy Mother's Day! xoxo

Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Abundacat thanks Signora Caren & Signore Cody! Hoorayzatini we may have to have a quarantini!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was such a wonderful tribute to your Mom. We sure enjoyed seeing the wee you Guido. Happy Mother's Day to all the special Moms everywhere.

M Dawson said...

Bless you Guido, you still look like a cute little imp, even now.

Have a good Mother's Day.

Anonymous said...

Hugs and love. 💖💖💖💖💖💖

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood !!! we remember de foto oh ewe N yur mom....trooth buddy !!! we hope yur purrson mom hada grate day; we hope everee onez happee N healthee :) ♥♥

The Florida Furkids said...

What a sweet tribute to your Momma!

The Florida Furkids

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