Catzowey! September 1st has come and almost
gone and it was the day my lil sistah Grappa was born!
So I put on my hearty party hat for her to party.
And wearing pearls too cuz Grappa is a girly girl even
though she’s CEO of a Deeeeeestruction company.
Hee Hee this pic is my lil sis Grappa 6 years ago when yup,
WHEN she climbed UP UP UP the 1911 fireplace with a
white chest and came down not so white! Hair salons would be
amazed over this hair color transition - MOL MOL!
YUP SFFD was not gonna rescue her lil naughty self!
Cheers to 7 great naughty awesome always amazing
years with my lil sistah Grappa
Now you know why we call her #NoGrappaNO
Have a nonCatastrophic week please
and lemme know if you need some meowvalous
purrs as I’m always on the job! Reminder for ya,
I’m a certified Animal Assisted Therapy Cat
Ciao and Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty