There's an echo in our house "Guido if you keep doing that you're going to be up for Daily Adoption!" This week I helped wrap a gift,thought I was a helpful helper, but with no scissors, I had to use my little kitten ivories to curl the ribbon.
After wrap-class, I went to the Falls

Cold season is here and being a savvy smart Italian kitty, I headed strait to the Echinacea. (I'd prefer catnip but have heard 'not yet Guido'. I'm a homeopathiCAT and thought the Echinacea box would be fantabulous.

I've been busy this week: even went to Grace Cathedral on Sunday and seemed to be the adoracat of the church. It was St. Francis Day and so many people oohing and ahhing at me made me tired so when the giant organ struck up a tune, I zoned out catnapping thru the service. Momma carried me to the communion railing and when I saw that jumbo gold chalice I thought I should paw it big time and wrestle with the dazzling diamonds that were glistening thru the gold. That was a big hit! And they didn't even offer me any bread! So much for diverse hospitality there!
Ciao and Meow
Guido "The Italian Kitty"
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