And are you just curious as a cat to know what the infurmous game show host Chuck Woolery and I are catchatting about? Chuck has Catitude that's fur sure and it's show time week when we eight Catestants play a catcentric game, Think Like A Cat. Which meowsters will leap out of the gates of the Hollywood TV set and who's paws are travelling at lightening speeds resembling meowster mustangs or PURRhaps at the speed of a herd of turtles!
So what's new pussycat? Abundacat stuff! I'm going to Saks Fifth Avenue! Uh huh, in the Cosmeowtic Department this SATURDAY NOV 15th at the San Francisco Union Square store from 11am to 1pm. My paws are purrmoting the PURRmier of Think Like A Cat, and if you bring your list of goodies your fine non-feline self might need, a portion of all the cosmetics sales that day will go to Pets Unlimited - my game show partner. Get your MasterCAT Card ready! Come to Saks to say HI or Buon Giorno or just to give me a kitty hug. My pal Chuck can't make it, but I will be there 11am to 1pm - yep the same day Think Like A Cat PURRmiers! I hope your week is filled with meowvalous Meow Mix moments and abundacatnaps! You can bet your whiskers I'll be catnapping on Sunday all day long!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO The Italian Kitty
It's soooo cool that you met Chuck Woolery! And I hear you have a pic with the MeowMix kitty!! Wow, another celebrity you met!
(I have a bag-clip for my catfood that has MeowMix kitty on it because I too am a fan!)
Meowies, pal!
Oh Guido, I am so excited for you!I use to love Meow Mix until I developed diabetes. Grandma got mom a Meow Mix Clock that sings the meow mix song on the hour! I can wait for the show. Can you send me a post card please? *giggles*
Your Forever Friend,
I am so proud of you. You are my friend and aways a winner!
Your biggest fan,
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