So my smitten kitten self called my fantasticat Veterinarian, San Francisco's very own DR. CALVIN LUM, house Vet extraordinaire! Catzowey, yep uh huh, my PURRsonal Doctor of Meowvalous Medicine does house calls - nope he doesn't just call ya at yur house, he really visits you in da house and we don't even have to tidy up da feline fur for him!
On da phone, he said he'd catch me at 5 but I told him I was only 2-1/2 and I needed to see him befur I turned 5. It's meowvalous I don't have to go to his office cuz the Purrpurrazzi dudes hang out in the "Be Patient" waiting room and then I have to hide behind my golden Gucci shades and put my nose into a Nashunal Catquirer mag. Reading all the stuff dat belongs in da Litter Box purrobably raises my blood preshure more than the platter of linguine with extra cheese!
Like clockwork he did arrive at 5 and I'm still 2-1/2! I let him have da foto shoot meowment cuz I'm always in furont of da camera. Hey, look .... datsa mio on da wall!
Inspectakitty checking out da Doc's big black bag... now where's that stethocatoscope??
Without a doubtacat, be shure YOUR Doc is in tip top O' the morning condishun so he can lift you up! Here I am with da stethocatoscope in my sensitiv-a-kitty ears, listening to his heart beat befur he checked me out. Yep, uh huh, Doc is in fine shape: tick tick ticking away, he's calm, courteous and he smiles nice - I'll bet he's eyeTAILyun too!

He arrived totally equipped - even had a PURRtable scale cuz he said it doesn't lie like momma's scale lies! Ah shucks-a-tini and basta pasta, I gotta get a "shape shifter' fur my waist or head to the South of Da Border Beach Diet cuz me and myself gotta shurink da Doc says. My FizzyCull with SF Veterinary House Calls was meowvalous till I heard dat part!
Hope your week is nonCATastrophic and hiss fit free!
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
1 comment:
guido, i yam glad yoo are all checked owt ok
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