Basta pasta - of coursacat I answered "It's big cuz I'm Italian and I've got tude - catitude!". She asked me again and then again, as she was curious as a cat to find out how big my head was cuz, she apurrantly wasn't happy with my answer. So I got out my trusty measuring tape - you know the type that can measure all the way up to 60 inches long which is a little longer than I am even when I'm stretched to the meowster max. My treasured measure tape has 2 sides with lotsa numbers so I can measure from the low to the high, or flip it over and measure from the high to the low and youza can measure in red or black numbers (one must be the meowtric system)! But furst ya gotta figure out where the start of the measuring tape is.
Hmmmm, is dat saying 42 inches or 4 inches? I'ma bout to have an EyeTailyun sized hiss fit!
Shuksatini! How bout if I tells ya how big my smitten kitten svelt sized waist is!
Molto bene meowvalous! And she's shipping it FURst class from her crowshay studio in Purrsville PencilVaneYah. Check out all her hand-made fantasticat scarves, warm winter hats, blankies - you name it and undoubtacatically the gal can make it! HAZEL LUCY'S creashuns are the Cat's Meow. Move on over Johnny Cat Fursocksie!
Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week!
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
Do youza thinks Hazel Lucy wants da metric measurement or da regular? Me and myself is now definicatically confuse-a-cat fur shure. But I'm on countdown fur da hat she's crowshaying - hmmm wonder what design she's got in mind for my dapper dude self: Top Cat Hat, EyeTailYun speshule, FURench baray, Feline Fedora......
Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week!
Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
Hey Guido! Furtunately fur you, crocheted caps are stretchy, so even if you can't send Hazel Lucy your exact head measurement, the cap will purrobably still fit you purrfectly. I am sure you will look very handsome!
Wowie Kazowie, Guid'! Hazel Lucy's fashuns are vary vary kyoot! Yer lucky to have her make a cap just fur yoo!!!!
Hello Guido,amico mio!! your milanese friend Giotto is here!!
I just can't wait to see you with Hazel lucy's cap!!
I've never measured my head,but being italian as well it must have been pretty big (because of my big brain,of course!!)...have you already chosen the color of your cap??
You will look fabulous,no matter what!!
CIAO! Giottone
Hey G, Thanks for giving mom the idea to measure least my waist!! I personally didn't want to know but she told me anyway. 23 1/2 inches!!! (I believe they make blue jeans in my size) It's been a long winter. So what does your big buff belly measure
buddy? Wilson J Scooter
Wowie Zowie Guido! You'll look super daper in your new Hazel Lucy creation! Anything she touches turns to gold! Can't wait to see what she designs for you! You'll look pawsome in anything.... that's for sure!
Hugs and Purrs,
Guido, for you, size definitely matters but we already knew that!!
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