Listening to da message from your favorite classicat comics can get ya up close and PURRsonal with them, and itza recommended to know the characters in the comics, cuzza itza can be advantageous and youza gonna have a hystericatical meowment laughing fur shure! Ohhh, I hears a laugh arriving!
Categorically speaking, there's nothing more meowvalous than sharing a comicatical secret with a speshule furiend. My pal here - well he listens PURRfectly and heeeza not even a meowster but youza could say he's a perfecto furiend who doesn't let the cat out of the bag!Holy Meowster Moly and a double dose of MEOWza WOWza too! Garfield da cat izza missing frumza funnies! Catzowey! This izza not comicatical! Me and myself might be heading fur a giganticat hiss fit about da size of a tropicatical Hurricane. Oh basta pasta - they'za naming all da Hurricanes and I hope we don't read about the arrival of a Hurricane Guido - that would frizz da fur for shure!
Wishing you a funtasticatical nonCATastrophic week - and sneak in some funnies too!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty