Catzowey! Me and things are both looking UP UP UP instead of down and around like we did in da old year, and itza just a few amewsing days into 2010 - but I gots da question fur youza and yurza self: how youza gonna purrnounce this year? Some extraordinairacat expurrt sez weeza to call it "Twenty Ten" and da other expurrt (purrobably from da Wall Street Departameownto of Expurrteeze) sez to call it "OH Ten. Well
Oh Kay, but Basta Pasta andza Holy Cannoli! Can't anybody agree on what weeza calling this Mew Year?

Me and my smitten kitten self has been looking UP UP UP since midnight of da MEW Years Eve so now I'ma taking a break - gonna look down down down and see old and new dust, food on da floor and interesting stuff. Itza recommended to look down when you'za cleaning out da old flower petals or catnip leaves frumza last year (and purrhaps wear da Snorkel too) ... yep uh huh cuz da nip leaves and petals falls everywhere ya don'tza wanna them to fall. But you can bet theyza falls down down close to da ground. If youza looking down and not paying da attenshun, youza gonna have a SirPrize fur shure! Like purrhaps youza gonna get stuck! That is definicatically true and authenticatically proven.
AhTenZeeOhKnee! Yep uh huh - I needza yur AhTenZeeOhKnee (datsa EyeTailYun ya know!) cuz I wantz you to know that weeza just a few meowvaloso days into this MEW Year that izza looking UP UP UP. Itza impurrtant to be shure dat you don't let the whole giganticat year pass you by cuz befur ya knows it, itza gonna be da other Mew Year 2011 (nowza howza we supposed to purrnounce dat? No worry, cuz youza got 1 giganticat year to purractice). Notice my meowster self in da foto taken by da Purrparazzi while I'ma climbing da CATacombs in Rome back in da year "OH Six"! Befur you knows it, youza grows it, oopsatini, I mean youza grows up or in some cases, youza grows out and gets a bit bigger. So youza sees da time flies by feline fast even when ya gotza 9 lives! I recommends ya dontza let this 2010 pass ya by - itza gonna be a meowvalous year so look UP UP UP.
Wishing you a meowvalous FURst week of the Mew Year! And hey, why not make it a nonCATastrophic one too!
Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
I think this is going to be the very best year, ever! We are calling it "Twenty-Ten"!
We're 20-10ers, too. Cuz Daisy is. And she's da smartest, kyootest cat I know. And I'm not just saying that cuz she's my speshul frend.
I wish all my furiends a purrfectly happy Mew Year and all the best in Twenty-Ten!
20-10 sounds good to us...we'll be posting our looking up photo tomorrow.
Hi Guido!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today! ... nice to meet you. I've always had a thing for hot Italian mancats. mew, mew!
I'm going to have to agree with the 20-10er's. Hadn't even thought about it until you brought it up. But count me in as a 20-10er.
(Glogirly's cat)
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