Catzowey! I added up da calculayshuns of my abundacatnapping time in my life, and look fur yur self at da giganticat numbers Me and Myself haz been catnapping! I'ma keeping just one keen cat eye on these numbers, yep uh huh itza fur shure.
Since my Scientificat catnapping calculayshuns 'ala Dr. Albercat Schweitzer', Me and Myself izza catnapping now with my cat eyes wide open. Trust me when I tells youza I'ma snoozing and not loosing a miniscule meowment of napping.
Holy Cannoli! Me and Myself wakes up frum catnapping to find a PINK Litter Box in my Suite! Hmmmzatini - there's rumors dat someone wants me tooza discover my Feline female side fur grounding purrposes. Oh PUHLEEZE datsa never gonna happen in all my 9 lives cuz I'ma grounded and rounded man cat to the meowximum! Hey, pink stinks fur my Litter Box!
But blue is true! And I tells youza I luvs blue hydrangeas and my true blue purrsonal fotographer, the doggone great meowvalous Mark Rogers of MARK ROGERS PET PHOTOGRAPHY, cuz he captures me fur real. And hizza giganticat camera has all da automaticatically calculayshuns so I duzn't have to do nothing, but act nachurally!
Here's we guys - Me, Myself and Mark and he makes my whiskers wiggle when weeza hanging out at my favorito place to kitty camp PET CAMP CAT SAFARI IN SAN FRANCISCO where life is catzowey when yur pawrents izza on vakayshun! Youza can go to Pooch Camp or the Ritz Catalton "Cat Safari" if youza meowster like me and purrfurrs Furst Class stuff . Theyza got two fine facilites fur we 4-leggeds. Shhh dontcha tell, but itza not necessary to do calculayshuns fur having fun at Cat Safari where da kitty camping izza fantasticatico! Cuz the place rocks to the meowximum!
Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week,
Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty