I'm in ecstaticat mode and my paws have not touched the ground yet, because Sunday at Grace Cathedral, my baby bengal self was cradled and blessed by Jane Goodall - the renowned primatologist and I behaved PURRfectly! I wasn't going to miss St. Francis day and the blessing of we furried and some feathered pals (yep and a few scaley dudes too)- so off I went (well, I actually got carried wearing an escape proof pup harnass - a Dolce Catbana - but it was camouflage design and cool!). Jane picked me out of a crowd of canines - lucky me and catzowey - she has the magic touch for head massage. I'm thinking of reloCATing closer to her - she's magical and has a Meowvalous message for all of you 2-leggeds.

Being a bit leary when the organ began, I felt secure holding on to my tale - I'd once heard a story about Tails in the Crypt and didn't want to become one of those victims. Hey, this Grace CAThedral is some place( it has a catwalk and colorful windows for heavenly bird watching). Would you believe there were 900 folks and their pets in and on the Pews (my pew mate was a golden lab who was aMEWsed by my stripes). 9 out of 10 pew seated folks asked my momma what breed I was and a zillion catzillion of times I heard her decry "GUIDO is pure-bred San Francisco SPCA" - nobody ever believed her - they catsistantly insisted I was some fancy shmancy meowster. Whatsa matta with them?
Good things come to those with 4-paws: I actually got blessed again - when the dazzling Rev. Vanessa Glass held me and whispered a sweet prayer into my fuzzy Episcocat ears. She's an angelicat.
And who might have had their debut onCBS affiliate evening news on Sunday eve? Not just once, but twice - after all some fat cats aren't home for the 6:30pm news and others are seriously catnapping at 11pm. I made both newscasts - woo hoo so watch carefully (click above on CBS link) and when you see 2 white poodle dogs, the mighty meowster is seconds shortly thereafter.
I need to recuPURRate now for a week so I might be late in answering my fan mail. Mille Grazie and let's cat chat next week,
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO - The Italian Kitty aka Frisky Feline Friend of Jane's
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