Timely and amewsing news izza here: itza time for the Mew Year and hoorayzatini and oh how I luvs da tuna linguini! Weeza all got our paws crossed and me and myself izza on countdown too, fur a doggone funtasticat 2011, and here's my pawsative suggestion fur living da Catzowey "Oh Eleven". Ready??
Youza gonna feel revived and alive if youza has a daily catnap - yep uh huh itza fur shure.
Strrrrretch da paws cuz itza better than Zumba an lotza easier than the downward dog in Yogatini. So just hang out and Strrrrrrretch da paws!
And then after youza works at hanging out and strrrretching, just kick da paws back, air out da laundry and enjoy da meowment .
Dontza wait till Mew Years Eve, go GREEN nowza meowza, cuz youza helping our Momma Earth. And my Envirocat self asks youza to puhleeze compost dat pizza meowgarita and da leftover Holy Canolis, recycle dat Mew York Times paper, and keepsa keen cats eye on da house lights - yep youza can realisticatically do yur part.
Read to somebody, read tooza yurself, but read to keep uppa to date on stuff. Pssst, dontcha tell but I luvs "Carl Goes Shopping" books cuz theyza doggone infurmayshunal.
Youza can stay organized and always knows what day itza is during 2011 if youza has da meowvalous 2011 MORRIS & FRIENDS CALENDAR - yep uh huh, I'm purrrroud to be wtih my pal Morris on da July and da December pages of his calendar. My EyeTailYun Cat Crystal Ball says itza gonna be a nonCATastrophic and Catzowey year fur shure!
Happy Meowvaloso 2011 and Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty