March 26, 2012

Orange You Ecstatic I'm Not Tickled Pink?

 Nowza you're gonna wanna hunker down and get comfy cuz weeza gonna cat chat bout things Orange, cuz anything Orange izza something increducatulous! Yep uh huh, da Orange isn't justa fur peeling and squeezing in da OJ glass - itza 'power color' according to L'Orange experts on color and theyz saying itza got free benefits: get charged uppa without charging yur MasterCat card!

Those Orange experts say the color Orange increases yur appetite. I always gotta appetito for EyeTailYun Pasghetti & Meatballs and Orange Ruffy da fish,which is notta Orange at all. But my favorito catnap blanket izza Orange, so itza putting out da hunger vibes. And pssst, Me & Myself have cravings for bambino carrots around Easter time!

Hi ya Paella! Youza orange and known as giganticat comfurt food in the land of  the Ole Olay flamingo dancers.

Wearing San Franfuncisco Giants Orange makes me feel like a sum sum summertime winner even in the cold winter!

Catzowey! Put any organicat Orange in your paws when the day izza dragging and lagging. Juggling the time to find time to learn to juggle oranges can be a funtasticat way to spice up the day the Orange way!

Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week and purrhaps youza squeezes some Orange into it! Might be a peeling (hee hee), loaded with dat Vitamino C and benefits are free.

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

March 18, 2012

Ring Round The Circle With Me & Myself

Catzowey! Me & Myself sees life as a ring around da circle and itza da circus of fun, ooopsatini I means circle of fun with fabuloso rings and things. And looking thru da meowvalous magic rings can be kinda like whatza Alice saw in dat wonnerful Wonderland when sheeza looked down that round hole. Yep uh huh, I thinks itza fur shure she saw Tempura Onion Ringy Dingy Rings.

NOWza MEOWza, if youza looks thru dat round Looking Glass, I'ma curious as a cat to know if youza can sees not one, but two bombtasticat spoons of  EyeTailYun sauces about to launch upon my meowster mind!

Holy Cannoli! There's nothing finer than meeting and greeting The Mad Hatter! Life izza amazing when youza looks through dat ring around the Looking Glass with Me & Myself and Alice!

My goshzatini, I'ma seeing The White King! He's that "Through The Looking Glass" dude, and heeza trying to tumble Humpity Dumpity. But howza he gonna do dat with his not right white crown not sitting tippity toppity upon his head? He needs some help from me - the uber balanced Italian Kitty.

When itza too tiring looking through dat Looking Glass and following Alice in wonnerful Wonderland, nothing finer than relaxing and feeling royal atop yur customized throne.

Remember, when youza looking thru dat Looking Glass circle, items may appear larger than in da real life! 

Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week.
Ciao & Meow!

GUIDO the Italian Kitty

March 12, 2012

Finding Time To Change Time

CATZOWEY! I had to find the time to find my clocks n' watches, cuz on Sunday morning it was time to change to the Daylight Savings Time when I wazza catnapping at two in da morning!   I lives in CalEyeFurKneeYah and they practices changing the time 2 times a year, I hear.

So Me & Myself waked uppa to a double creamy Catpuccino with my eyes at half mast at half past ten - and weeza not shure if itza really half past da 10 OR is it really half past da 9 o'clock?  Daylight Savings Time izza not amusing cuz itza confusing!

Daylight Savings Time izza so so so confusing dat Me & Myself had tooza measure our time to find the time to change my clocks n' watches. What else to do but pull out the trusty and not rusty measuring tape. It comes outta my trusty Man Cat toolbox to measure the time.

From uppa here, itza meowvalous view of Time passing by but dontcha let Time pass youza by, cuz Time izza preshus. Yep uh huh datza fur shure whether youza on dat Daylight Savings Time or dat regular Time - itza Time I sends youza an EyeTailYun HUG!

Now, I wanna wish youza and yurza the mostest nonCATastrophic week and be shure youza checks all da clocks in yur house, and in da car and barn and uppa in yur tree house too, and on yur wrist and everywhere youza got a clock going tickety tock.  If youza lives in the USA, be shure youza didn't forget to SPRING forward cuz in da Fall youza gonna FALL back!

Ciao & Meow!

GUIDO the Italian Kitty

March 5, 2012

How Old Is March 5th?

Catzowey! March 5th is older than Me & Myself and its gotta lotta historicatical events. So get yur cup of Catpuccino and hang out cuz weeza gonna march through March 5th! 

 In da Year 1461 King Henry VI got sacked in da War of the Roses (do youza think his roses garden was growing organicat Nip too?)

On March 5th in 1558, yep uh huh itza fur shure, smoking wazza invented in Europe! Oh I luvs my EyeTailYun seegars.
Waaay back in Year Zero theyza loaded uppa The Noah's Arc with all the animals in pairs, and I'ma pawsative it wazza on March 5th - yep uh huh itza fur shure.

Me & Myself izza exhausticatted from remembering all da things that happened on March 5th, so I'ma gonna catnap before March 6th arrives.  Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week!

Ciao & Meow,

GUIDO the Italian Kitty

Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday

  Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...