December 26, 2014

Guido's State Of The Meow Message - A Keen 2015

Catzowey Catzowey! Me & MYself had a real deal ball this 2014 and now weeza entering a 
new MEW year soon - yep uh huh like really soon. So here are my favorito tips for being on 
the ball next year.

 You gotta hydrate to get thru the year !  BUT plastic bottles are not Momma Earth's favorito.

My envirocat self suggests you gets your water from anything but bad plastic water bottles this coming MEW Year and every year.

 Sure could be a keen 2015 to get your paws to other places and sites-see cuz seeing the sites means youza gonna be seeing new wonnerful foods too. Yep even an EyeTailYun kitty likes the Purrrrisian French Cat foods in France.

Your MEW Year gonna be meowvalous if you get a big box of Organicatnip Cigars that knocks 
your socks off ya and you get a bonus: a giganticatnap too.

The MEW Years ball gonna fall at midnight on December 31st, 2014 but this is my favorito ball!

Wishing YOU a keen 2015 and a purrfectly nonCATastrophic year too

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

December 12, 2014

Ho Ho Ho and Fa La La - Tis The Season For Lots Of Ha Ha Ha

 Me & MYself found my Cwismus Stocking and I'm in Holly Dazed mode. Yep Uh HUH
and weeza getting into dat Ho Ho Ha Ha mode too

Catzowey - This photo gonna makes you go ha ha a lot. Pssst didja notice I'ma looking 
smack dab at dat camera lens cuz I am on my goods behavior when my Momma Baci and her 
red-headed self is doing dat misbehaving! 

Bamzatini! After dat photo shoot I ends up sleeping with Signora Claus for no cause other than 
sheeza comfurtable for a catnap and she purrs quietly too!

 Itza tisket and dat tasket, Signore Santy puts me in his North Pole basket! YAY I'ma gonna be twavelling to the North Pole I thinks. Yep Uh Huh itza for sure.

Uh OH! Lil sisfur Grappa getting into dat Holly by Golly she's Jolly  mode and sneaking into Santy's Panties! YIKES!

So I do wish you a nonCATastrophic week - yep uh huh it's for sure.

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

December 1, 2014

Cat Eyes The Hatching Koala Egg

Catzowey ! Me & MYself are wearing the authenticat Australian cowboy hat 
cuz weeza got our cat eyes on that authenticat Koala egg that is hatching right before my 
EyeTailYun eyes.

Might have to put my deep-do-you-see-the-sea snorkel on to get a good view.

It's always the most meowvalous idea to test the water temperature - especially when the 
authenticat Koala egg is just about to hatch cuz ya wants dat newbie to be comfy.

Yep uh huh! Dat water izza purrfecto.

Assisting with authenticat Koala hatching can be exhausting even for an EyeTailYun mancat!

Wishing YOU a nonCATastrophic week

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday

  Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...