Catzowey! I'ma tickled pink to be cat chatting bout being at the San Franfuncisco Pride Purrade on Sunday June 24 cuz Me & Myself got Purrrride galore. PAWSatively stepping out for this giganticat event izza sparkly moment!
That Spider Man greeted and meeted me and myself but our colors clashed and I thought I may crash if his wired self dropped my smitten kitten self! Psssst - dontcha wonder how he get's thru airport security in dat suit?
Snickerdy Doodlecat! I found non-organicat treats galore and did da Ummy Yummy in my Tummy routine! Tricks with Twix and snickering at the Snickers! Catozwey life is funtasticat!
Look out! Heidi from the land 'O yodels is out and about at the Purrade and sheeza happy to see me as she duz dat Pretzel & Meowster balancing act! Oh Yodel Hey Hee Ho, I sees Heidi on a TeeVee show!
Nowza MEOWza weeza cat chatting purrfectly with seeing dat cat on the hat at the PAWS beverage booth where Me & Myself wazza volunteering and cheering the purrrrchasers to have anudder Meowgarita, a My My MaiTai or a Tommy Not In Bahama or even a Catmopolitan! Tips puhleeze cuz yep uh huh, we kitty's LUV tips!
If youza curious as a cat to wonder how many paws does it takes to operate a fun raising out of this world Beverage Booth at Pride San Fran - well here you go - abundacatically, fur shure it takes a lotsa PAWS !
Ciao & Meow from San Franfuncisco and wishing you a nonCATastrophic week!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty