Itza the jingling and let's get mingling time of the year. So sending my good cheer and my mostest meowvalous moments of cruising my meowster self through the Holly Dazed time. Trust me - it really can be feline fine! Pssst - ya gotta be good and not naughty but nice cuz Santy Paws is checking his list, not once but TWICE!
Are you dreaming of a White Christmas but your tree is affected by dat global warming and izza shrinking and youza not drinking, so youza seeing mini meowster trees?
Holly by jolly! I thinks Santy Paws left his lil red balls! Bring on the organicatnip!
At least dat Santy Paws lets me cuddle and huddle with Signora Paws! Ahhh meowvalous.
And itza more meowvalous to have my EyeTailYun stocking ready for Signore Santy Paws cuz I knows I have been good good and more gooder - yep uh huh it's fur shure!
I wish you a most nonCATastrophic week and just remember, it's only December and soon weeza gonna do that midnight jumping fur joy thing & ring in a Mew Year together!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty
Oh By Gosh, By Gollie it's time for Guido's trees and Holly. Best wishes to the Sleuthing Christmas Cat and Household. PS.. A fresh fillet of halibut to you, 'cause you've been good all year."
Meowwie Christmouse to u and yourz !!!!! all us Pips
Love your card and your site! We are late for Santa wishes, but wish you a very happy new year!
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