How many times in your 9 lives do you gets to be in the same room as MOE of the famoso Three Stooges? Heeza cwacking Me & Myself uppa so much I'ma laffing and going nyuck nyuck nyuckzalini!
And da next day Me & Myself have the pleasure of sitting atop a WORLD SERIES Ring cuz I'ma meeting and greeting my pal JT Snow whooza was with my favorito San Franfuncisco GIANTS. The bling on his ring izza meowvalous and pssst... itza the real deal like GIGANTICAT ring cuz I weighs 17 pounds!
Catzowey! I'ma inspectacatting dat Game Show dude Chuck Woolery's man tan! Well someone has to do it.
Life is meowvalously purrrfecto when youza meets the real HELLO KITTY!
Wishing YOU the mostest nonCATastrophic week!
Ciao & MEOW
GUIDO the Italian Kitty