Holy Cannoli itza almost time to welcome in the new Mew Year !
And Me & Myself are purrpondering purrcisely what pawty hat to wear when that giganticat crystal ball drops at the stroke of the Auld Lang Syne hour - could be the purrfecto hour to devour some Tuna Wheels with new years Nip topping.
Catzowey! If 2014 izza near, that means I'ma turning 8 this coming year!
Me & Myself might just sit out the festivities, but here comes my mostest meowvalous happiest of happy New Mew Year wishes to special YOU! Pssst, you can humz along or sing Auld Lang Syne with me right here. Yep uh huh!
Now be shure you makes this new mew year a non CATastrophic one!
Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty