December 26, 2014

Guido's State Of The Meow Message - A Keen 2015

Catzowey Catzowey! Me & MYself had a real deal ball this 2014 and now weeza entering a 
new MEW year soon - yep uh huh like really soon. So here are my favorito tips for being on 
the ball next year.

 You gotta hydrate to get thru the year !  BUT plastic bottles are not Momma Earth's favorito.

My envirocat self suggests you gets your water from anything but bad plastic water bottles this coming MEW Year and every year.

 Sure could be a keen 2015 to get your paws to other places and sites-see cuz seeing the sites means youza gonna be seeing new wonnerful foods too. Yep even an EyeTailYun kitty likes the Purrrrisian French Cat foods in France.

Your MEW Year gonna be meowvalous if you get a big box of Organicatnip Cigars that knocks 
your socks off ya and you get a bonus: a giganticatnap too.

The MEW Years ball gonna fall at midnight on December 31st, 2014 but this is my favorito ball!

Wishing YOU a keen 2015 and a purrfectly nonCATastrophic year too

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

December 12, 2014

Ho Ho Ho and Fa La La - Tis The Season For Lots Of Ha Ha Ha

 Me & MYself found my Cwismus Stocking and I'm in Holly Dazed mode. Yep Uh HUH
and weeza getting into dat Ho Ho Ha Ha mode too

Catzowey - This photo gonna makes you go ha ha a lot. Pssst didja notice I'ma looking 
smack dab at dat camera lens cuz I am on my goods behavior when my Momma Baci and her 
red-headed self is doing dat misbehaving! 

Bamzatini! After dat photo shoot I ends up sleeping with Signora Claus for no cause other than 
sheeza comfurtable for a catnap and she purrs quietly too!

 Itza tisket and dat tasket, Signore Santy puts me in his North Pole basket! YAY I'ma gonna be twavelling to the North Pole I thinks. Yep Uh Huh itza for sure.

Uh OH! Lil sisfur Grappa getting into dat Holly by Golly she's Jolly  mode and sneaking into Santy's Panties! YIKES!

So I do wish you a nonCATastrophic week - yep uh huh it's for sure.

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

December 1, 2014

Cat Eyes The Hatching Koala Egg

Catzowey ! Me & MYself are wearing the authenticat Australian cowboy hat 
cuz weeza got our cat eyes on that authenticat Koala egg that is hatching right before my 
EyeTailYun eyes.

Might have to put my deep-do-you-see-the-sea snorkel on to get a good view.

It's always the most meowvalous idea to test the water temperature - especially when the 
authenticat Koala egg is just about to hatch cuz ya wants dat newbie to be comfy.

Yep uh huh! Dat water izza purrfecto.

Assisting with authenticat Koala hatching can be exhausting even for an EyeTailYun mancat!

Wishing YOU a nonCATastrophic week

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

November 25, 2014

How To Dress Up For Your Special Dinner Guest

Catzowey! Didja hear it's that fine Fall feathered time of the year when Me & MYself
invites a turkey to dinner ... yep the guest of honor youza could say, is being invited on
Thanksgiving Day and hoorayzatini - I'ma gonna be making him feel
welcome & speshule too.

 So, yep itza for sure my smitten kitten smart self is deeesguised to look just like my
fine feathered furiend whooza coming to dinner - dat way heeza feels at home and not
alone, yep uh huh.

 Every man bird has dat colorful fine feathered chest so I'ma purrracticing how to look dat
colorful in a man cat kind of way.

 Catzowey! My lil sisfur Grappa preening and careening her feathers too!

 Oh no Grappa NO! Dontcha go eating your Thanksgiving Day outfit !

Remember, November is the fine doggone great time to give thanks for
furiends - all kinds of furiends with fur, no fur and feathers too. Pssst, furiends don't
ever have to look alike to be furiends and thatza what makes our World goes round and
round and makes me purr.

Now you have a nonCATastrophic week and Me & Myself & lil sisfur Grappa
send abundacat kitty hugs to meowvalous you!

Ciao & Meow,

GUIDO the Italian Kitty

November 18, 2014

It's a Funtastic Fall Vegie Food Fest

Catzowey - Me & MYself shouting out and about that weeza falling smack dabzatini into the finest Fall vegies !

Itza not corny at all that carrots are purrfecto Fall vegies too

And my favorito EyeTailYun tortellinis got the funtastic Fall vegies inside and under all dat yummy roasted tomatoe red sauce - whisker licking good !

I said ROASTED not toasted ....

It's for sure, yep uh huh - Me & MYself are in love with funtastic Fall vegies. So gonna fall into a big comfy Mancat sized catnap now.

Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week!

Ciao & Meow
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

November 11, 2014

Caught In The Act As A Matter Of Fact

Catzowey That is not Me & MYself hiding in those funtasticat Fall flowers.

Yikes itza gotta be my lil sisfur Grappa purrpondering doing her Falltastic deeeeestruckshun act!  
It's for sure she's caught in the act as a matter of fact.

Grappa is redeeezining the Fall flowers in a colorful calico way, like those kind of air plants that require no water, no soil and it's no purroblem at all. Hmmmzatini now where did lil sisfur Grappa get these flowers arranging talents?

Yep uh huh - I'ma thee EyeTailYun flower deeziner with an eye for purrrfecto work and I teaches
lil sisfur Grappa her meowvlaous floral pawniques.

This IS called being caught in the act as a mater of fact.

I am wishing you a nonCATastrophic Fall week in fact!

Ciao & Meow,

GUIDO the Italian Kitty  
and lil sisfur Grappa too !

November 3, 2014

Promoting Voting Cuz I Connote It's Time To Vote

Itza Election time again in the USA on 4 November 2014. Hmmmzatini I'ma purrrpondering all these giganticat ballots before my paws head to the voting place.

Brought in the lil sisfur Grappa to help figure out all the catOHstrophic ballot stuff and sheeza pawing her way through them - hope she finishes before Election Day.

MEOWZA WOWZA! Lil sisfur Grappa looking at all the issues from different angles. That's good !
Me and Myself got exhaustacatted trying to figures out the ballots so reached for my organicat nip carrot.  Bamzatini passed out right in the middle of purrpondering what to votes on. Yep Uh Huh it's for sure!

Our voting ballot books are more giganticat than a Cwismus holly dazed catalogue. So dontcha worry cuz Me & MYself and lil sisfur Grappa confused to the meowximum too! Hoorayzatini youza not alone in ballet confusion! Oopsatini I means ballot confusion  .. Hee Hee Hee!

Now you knows we wishes you the mostest nonCATastrophic week!

Ciao & Meow,

GUIDO the Italian Kitty

October 29, 2014

It's Halloween, Change The Clocks & Fall Into Fall Time All In 1 Week

Catzowey is right! So so so much to purrrponder this week ..... like I'm just getting over the GIGANTICAT WORLD SERIES and now I got Halloweenie things to do too, like carve my GIANT  organicat pumpkin.

OR find my purrfecto Halloweenie costume! Maybe Me & MYself will dress up as Dracucatula
 and say "I wanna bite of your catnip cookies!"

Pawsible that Me & MYself dresses up as Go Johnny Go Depp and enjoy being an irate Pirate!
 Yo Ho HOzatini pass me a meowtini.

And if I'ma under the influence of my organicat Meowtini I can purrrobably watch myself change my watches on Caturday night when Daylight Savings Time is going poofzatini. Lemme remember .. itza Fall back and Spring forward, right?

 Lil sisfur Grappa says AHHH nuts to finding a Halloweenie costume - hey sheeza in purrrmanent Halloweenie colors all year long (pssst, and sheeza purrroudly wears the colors of San Franfuncisco Giants too)

 Dangzatini - Grappa doing dat purrrfeshonal modeling pose for Fall colors Cat-OH-logue!

Weeza both wanna wish YOU a most meowvalous and nonCATastrophic week!

Ciao & Meow!
GUIDO the Italian Kitty 
(and lil sisfur Grappa too)


October 19, 2014

Knocking The Socks Off Me This Week In A World Series Kind Of Way

CATZOWEY! Youza knows Me & MYself advocates good sportsmanship and playing life with fair meowster manners. BUT the World Series this week gonna be knocking my socks right off my paws!

Lil sisfur Grappa got the vibe for this World Series and she's wearing MY socks! GO Grappa GO izza better to hear than NO Grappa NO!

 Yikes Grappa! You don't wanna get bagged at the World Series! Nope.

Going to this World Series might be a hair raising experience! See ya in Kansas City and YES Dorothy we ARE in Kansas this week - where's Toto?!  If youza not a baseball fan itza OK. Cuz life is just a big ball game where our paws run around the bases of life everyday. It's meowvalous when you gets yourself on just one base and it makes you smile. Yep Uh Huh it's for sure. Me & MYself smiling with YOU this week!

Wishing YOU a GIANT sized  nonCatastrophic week!

Ciao & Meow,
GUIDO the Italian Kitty

October 13, 2014

Cristoforo-Cristobal-Christopher - Hey Any Way It's Columbus Day!

Signore Columbus izza my EyeTailYun hero and I has the mostest giganticat respecto for his navigating all the way cross dat ocean a very long long time ago with no GPS! 

Cuz itza colorful Christoforo Columbus Day, me and lil sisfur Grappa donning the EyeTailYun colors cuz weeza purrroud to be EyeTailYun meowsters.

 OoooMeowPah! Weeza found ourselves a Columbus Day Purrrade and tried tuning up some dude's Tuba.

Catzowey! Me & Myself caught a ride on a giganticat tuba tube and it wazza meowvalous!
Itza fine feline day when some savvy mustached Signorina suggests Me & Myself share a primo vino with her but hey, I gotta get her to my Man Cat Barber Shop tomorrow - yep uh huh!

Va Va Va Voooooomzaloni - itza no baloney so pass me an organicat niptini cuz being a celebricat at the Cristoforo Columbus Day Purrrade can be exhausticatting! Viva EyeTailYah I tells ya.

Wishing you a nonCATastrophic week!


GUIDO the Italian Kitty

Funtastic Finer Niners Funday On Sunday

  Up here at the Rainbow Bridge, we all have da front row seats with a Birds Eye view of da game. Yup it’s gonna be a purrrrrfecto funday Su...